
My Old Nemesis

July 21, 2013

“Find rest, O my soul, in God alone; my hope comes from him.”

Psalm 62:5

As many of you already know I have recently finished writing a book about my journey (not yet published), my faith and all the incredible and miraculous tales of God in his faithfulness. I share many stories in transparent detail in this book, which was both easy and hard to do. I am an extremely guarded and private person by nature. I have always been that way, somewhat because of my temperament and disposition and somewhat because Continue reading

Non-Stick Coating

July 16, 2013

I said in my last writing that my entire life I have been attracted to fitness, nutrition and anything related to either. This is also true of my recent adventures in Body Building, Figure Competitions to be exact.  I have always wanted to compete. When I was a teenager I would watch bodybuilding on television with fascination. I wasn’t so much fascinated with the men, but the women. Though I had no desire to be manly big, I was in awe of their musculature, physique and overall low body fat! Continue reading

"Never Be Afraid Of The 2.5 LB Plate"

July 8, 2013

“Never be afraid of the 2.5 pound plate.” ~Coach McB

I have been a fitness person for most of my life. I decided at the age of 13 I wanted to avoid the deleterious health issues that ran in my family. High cholesterol, weight gain and ultimately heart disease, the illness that took many of my family members through the generations. So, I started educating myself and became very interested in fitness and nutrition. I feel as though it were Providence because I find it a bit out of the ordinary Continue reading

Life Is Like A Good Pedicure

July 5, 2013

Have you ever had a pedicure? Boy, do your feet feel amazing right after they've been rubbed, scrubbed and pampered, soaked and prepared...looking pretty. Right now just talking about it makes me wish I were there! So, come with me in your mind's eye, if you will, and let's make a playful yet pointed comparison between a good pedicure and a good life...

When you arrive at the salon the nail tech will walk you to the chair, complete with massaging cushions (I always have to choose the lowest massage setting, Continue reading

Tattoo It On Me…

June 22, 2013

It is crazy how popular it is to tattoo your body these days. Wow! I go to my gym and see almost everyone there has at least one, but usually many all grouped together. This fascinates me in a way. I am an observant person by nature and am so intrigued by the various artistry displayed upon ones flesh that I find myself wanting to study a persons tattoos when I am in close proximity to them. However, I refrain because I don't want to be rude or inconsiderate. Sometimes Continue reading

About Me


My name is Nicole and the Broken and Unspoken things have fueled my wings and given me something brave, something bold. I do believe as we persevere through the unspoken difficulties in life we can find our voice and that voice can be used to help others take flight. I’m a lover of the pen and the ink I wield I hope lavishes encouragement on the minds, hearts and souls of others. Welcome to my home! I plan to use the space to make you feel comfortable, refreshed and blessed. My encouragement intended to help you find that better version of you that has been there all along. I am a writer of prose, poems, scriptural exhortations and all things fitness and nutrition. Mind. Body. Heart. Soul. It is all connected! So come in and make yourself at home. This is a Safe Haven and Refuge for others who have been broken, too.

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