Turn It Up
”Make up your mind,” Moab says.
“Render a decision.
Make your shadow like night—
at high noon.
Hide the fugitives,
do not betray the refugees.” Isaiah 16:3
When I was a young girl I had many fears, the dark being one of them. It was a common occurrence beginning at a young age for me to sleep with my head under the covers.
I tend to think that sensitive souls feel everything around them very deeply. At least I know I do. I can feel the spiritual dynamics in a room, I can feel others
Hoard it!
God opens doors that no man can shut and sometimes the doors he opens leave you startled and surprised—but you know by the feeling in your heart, mind & soul within it you will thrive.
God brings Blessings Magnified.
Why not let your heart stir?
Why not explore with your minds eye and dream big dreams full of possibility thinking?
Most people stop dreaming at a young age. They don’t stop overnight. It happens slowly over time. A crusting over of the soul…the heart…the spirit. The mind becomes dull to certain dreams and aspirations