Triage, by definition is —noun
1. the process of sorting victims, as of a battle or disaster, to determine medical priority in order to increase the number of survivors.
When I write, when I pray, what I see all leads me to triage of hearts, minds and souls. My life, my words, my actions are meant for more than just a bandaid. A bandaid only covers a wound and masks it, if you will. But triage is willing to investigate. Triage is a willingness to get down deep with people. Triage is
Be the Light…
Last weekend our power went out.
So what did my boys do?…Each went for the light on their phone or a flashlight. The youngest and I played cards on my bed.
The power was out for a good hour or more and they laughed and giggled and played with the shadows from the lights in our phones. I thanked the Lord for this short lived inconvenience. It gave them time together they probably really needed. But oh how we all celebrated when the lights came back on–we hadn’t eaten and