You are adorable.
There is a God in Heaven and He actually adores you and is for you. He cheers for you, makes a way for you. Does all kinds of things that you may not even know He is doing for you. He is an eternal spirit. He wants to bless you and make your heart complete. For every tangible blessing of life is nice—but if our heart and soul have a hole we don’t feel whole or complete.
Take a seat. Be lavished. Allow my words
Friend & Lover
Never Had a Better Friend-
The Lord has striped me in many ways.
Yet, He preserves each and every one of my days.
He took away so much that mattered to me
and in the process grafted me more tightly into His Tree.
He drew me near and showered me with blessings from above.
He gave me increase in my capacity to Love.
He showed me His devotion and care
Yet I know He will not only stop there.
He took me as a seed and planted me in the Earth.
He provided the water of Salvation in Jesus
giving me