“Jacob I loved. Esau I hated.”
“Jacob I loved. Esau I hated.”
Can you effectively love someone you hate?
“Just as it is written: “Jacob I loved, but Esau I hated.” Romans 9:13
I’m not sure it’s possible in the natural, but when we bring God into the equation it becomes possible. I am not sure it’s bad to hate someone. God has wired us with emotions and our mind, heart, spirit and emotions are all connected. Some more emotional than others while some are more cerebral. In the same way some are more spiritual and some are not.
The Lord has had me camped out in the book of Ruth. Years ago I was promised by God (and I suppose requested by him at the same time) to one day write a curriculum study of the Books of Ruth and Esther.
I truly don’t know my life’s ultimate calling and purpose other than I am a healer. I have been through horrible extremes of painful things and I’ve watched God be my Boaz through it all. I know I’ve hardly scratched the surface the deeper I sink in him.
Nothing is forever~
Change comes to us all. You don’t have to listen to the idle chatter. When something is the matter look up. Because doubt looks down and worry looks around. When we keep our gaze fully where it needs to be it doesn’t matter what anyone else is doing. You must do what is best for you.
What is it you need? What is it your family needs? How will you intercede?
Wash away fear, doubt and worry. Make it flee in a hurry.
I can’t believe it has already been nearly
Better Together
Give it your ALL—
How can I adequately sing a song of praise to you? How can I properly change my heart to execute your Goodness, Mercy and Love?
There is no one like you…
Not on the earth.
Not under the earth-
Nor can one be found in the sea or within the heavens.
You alone are ALL.
Because you are ALL- you not only inspire me to give you my all, but your devotion to me has power to demonstrate that I have your all as well. I know others love you and you enjoy
She was. . .
She was unpredictable.
She was clever.
She was smart.
But most of all. . . She was herself and she was unafraid to Love hard, love big, and cheer others on to the win.
When you do it your way—the organic and natural beauty of you comes shining through;
You give permission to others to be organic, too.
Becoming unashamed of every inch of you.
The strengths as well as the weakness.
All of this embodies the essence of you. And I think this is beautiful.
Like a
God Bless America
God bless America
Native and True
The hopeful red, white and blue.
God bless America
I truly love you and all you represent—
Peace, Love and Unity for every man.
Common or not—we each are given equal opportunity for Life, Love and Liberty.
God bless America and her soil.
God bless America and every soldier who has been sent to foreign lands.
Guide her path, Father, guide her strong—
Better days ahead for her, her future bright and long.
God bless America and grant her
Glory Kissed
How does it feel to be unashamedly yourself?
Pure and true just you; every single day? Everything you do, everything you say glory kissed and heaven made.
This is the way it should be—
There’s something gorgeous and mysterious when we give in to the unbridled devotion of Heaven. There is a Creator who savors your company. Open up and receive…
Receiving is active. Receiving is good. But receiving can also be uncomfortable.
When I was in the fifth grade I had a reoccurring dream. It was powerful and rich and vivid. It was exquisite
Sometimes the dreams I dream in the night disquiet my soul. I am unsure of what I have seen and what does it mean? I know it means something. So I quietly speak to my Father and lay it upon His altar and entrust it there in His care. He has shown me these things for a reason and the time and season may be a later date. I can trust these insights to His keep and I don’t have to lose precious sleep. The knowledge will return when He
A Heart Locked In. . .
A writer is always writing, and sometimes—we use a pen.
I’ve been a writer my whole life. I just didn’t always know it. I am an observer of souls. My heart the cradle that holds it all in.
I’ve held it all in my entire life. Literally. I am very friendly, but at the same time enormously shy. I am one who always holds back, especially when my emotions are high. I am a chronic and habitual hold back sort of person. It is easy and it is awful all
I know what I have in you…
I know what I have with God.
You are so good to me, so gentle, so faithful, so kind.
You bless my soul and you comfort my heart.
Nobody knows me like you.
Nobody knows what I endure or what keeps my heart preoccupied.
Nobody knows what inspires my dreams.
You alone are God and like you there is none other.
My heart is betrothed to heaven.
You are my Sanctuary.
You are my Riverbed.
You are Golden and Bright.
You ignite my passions and