Shape & Shift
“Every athlete exercises self-control in all things. They do it to receive a perishable wreath, but we an imperishable. 26 So I do not run aimlessly; I do not box as one beating the air. 27 But I discipline my body and keep it under control,[a] lest after preaching to others I myself should be disqualified.“
1 Corinthians 9:25-27
How we live today matters.
How we choose to respond matters. Adversity will shape you and shift you.
Adversity will sift you.
Will you be patient? Or will you cave to pettiness?
You Can So You Will!
“She has done what she could…”
Difference Makers do things “differently”.
I have always been compelled and drawn to the unique. People and things, experiences, that are not the norm or status quo experience. I guess maybe because I have always felt a little different. I rather enjoy it, actually.
I am forever grateful for the family I grew up in. A strong family foundation has enormous merit in how a person ultimately turns out. This doesn’t mean one without a strong family can’t turn out stellar. Of course not. If you know
Drought Resistant
Succulent. . .
A succulent plant is a green that is drought resistant to the extreme. It has unique ability to retain moisture.
All of life is like a garden we are building…landscaping…creating. Shouldn’t it be, the garden we bring, is one big enough to include voices other than our own? A touch unique to us, yet ever encompassing the creative genius built within others as well? This is the kind of offering I intend to bring to my King—-
Evergreen and Succulent Garden.
Your voice matters. God granted every “Her” a voice and
Truly Loved
True Love wraps around you like the endless channels of the sea,
Taking one deeper and deeper, entangled
Mysteriously, yet Comforting.
This is what it is to be truly Enamored by My King.
Your life is like a great storybook, each day an new opportunity to write a new page. Make it one that keeps the on looking world sit on the edge of their seat. Keep it simple. Love with genuine affection…
Let me close with the words of one of my favorite worship songs,
“There is
“Let us be grateful to people who make us happy, they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom.” ~Marcel Proust
When I see a beautiful garden I often think of all the work they went into planting it and keeping it weed free. People are much the same as a garden. Healthy, secure and strong relationships require much tenderness, love and care. People must be nurtured just like a garden.
Your heart is a garden to house your soul…just like a green house full of moisture and
Velvet Red and Burns With Passion: The Gift
Have you ever had heartburn?
It is caused from acid reflux. The acids from the stomach return into the esophagus and cause a burning sensation.
Or is heart burn a certain kind of zeal or passion? You burn from within with passion and conviction about a certain decision or belief? You are decided and the strength of your decision is undivided.
Imagine you are in a crowded room. The floor is hard to discern because so many feet cover it. But the room clears and you are the only one left and you
Can I Be Honest?
Can I be honest for a moment? Transparent?
I am perhaps one of the most private people you could ever encounter. It is a sheer act of God that I write. That I bear my soul with my pen, that I use the internet or profusely post on social media pages. Left to my own, I’d write for me alone (like I used to do)—just me and my journal keeping everything I write to myself with bits of it spilling out in personal notes I like to mail to
Hello there.
What an excellent day.
I hear it was Heaven made.
But what exactly does that mean to you?
A Heaven made day means something different to everyone, but here’s a glimpse into my heart and what stirs me deeply. For me…this is what it means.
I love the free expression my heart yields in His Presence. It is frequently found in my pen, but when I speak it is found there as well. Time spent meditating on God, reading, writing, praying—these things bring out the best in me.
Bucket of Love
I adore my father. I just told him today that he is a Croatian stud. If anyone has great DNA, it’s him. Timeless, and can I please have his skin tone? The man has fantastic skin. Anyway, he is also extremely kind hearted and gentle, yet a loyal defender. I brag about his genetics, but the inside of a man is always far more attractive than anything external. For all of humanity this is true.
Chivalry has never offended me,
it refreshes me.
. . . Probably
A Heart Locked In. . .
A writer is always writing, and sometimes—we use a pen.
I’ve been a writer my whole life. I just didn’t always know it. I am an observer of souls. My heart the cradle that holds it all in.
I’ve held it all in my entire life. Literally. I am very friendly, but at the same time enormously shy. I am one who always holds back, especially when my emotions are high. I am a chronic and habitual hold back sort of person. It is easy and it is awful all