Get Fat!
No one wants to be fat, but what are fats and why does our body actually need it?
Fats are organic molecules. They are comprised of hydrogen joined together into long groupings called hydrocarbons. How these chains combine and interact determines the type of fat they are. A fatty acid is a simple unit of fat.
Types of fats include:
SATURATED (solid or semi solid at room temperature)
•Animal fat
•Tropical oils like coconut oil
UNSATURATED (liquid at room temperature)
•olive oil
Rest & Digest
Rest & Digest
When we have too much norepinephrine in our system we are in “fight or flight” mode. This neurotransmitter inhibits digestion. Our gut needs to be at rest to digest.
In this time of extended stress and uncertainty another way you can boost your immune system is to actively focus on relaxation before eating.
Currently, with this quarantine and the corona virus (COVID-19), we are all a little bit in a state of perpetual flight or fight.
Try not to stress eat
Instead, take some
Triage, by definition is —noun
1. the process of sorting victims, as of a battle or disaster, to determine medical priority in order to increase the number of survivors.
When I write, when I pray, what I see all leads me to triage of hearts, minds and souls. My life, my words, my actions are meant for more than just a bandaid. A bandaid only covers a wound and masks it, if you will. But triage is willing to investigate. Triage is a willingness to get down deep with people. Triage is
Hold your own today…
You are a timeless classic.
There is nothing like simple elegance that carries itself with no need to impress. It just rests in who it is, Identity hemmed by a seamless garment.
“When the soldiers crucified Jesus, they took his clothes, dividing them into four shares, one for each of them, with the undergarment remaining. This garment was seamless, woven in one piece from top to bottom.”
John 19:23
Did you know?. . .
I used to deeply struggle with sugar.
I know it had to be an addiction,
Benefits: Supplementing with Branch Chain Amino Acids (BCAA’s)
Benefits of Supplementing with BCAA’s
Supplementing with Branch Chain Amino Acids (BCAA’s) has shown 5 strong benefits:
1. Increases testosterone and reduces cortisol. This creates a quality hormonal environment.
2. Inhibitor of Catabolism. Catabolism is “breaking down”, in this case, prevents the breaking down of muscle. Research shows we cannibalize a certain amount of muscle tissue during exercise. BCAA’s work like shrink wrap on your muscle inhibiting this process and telling the body to utilize body fat for energy.
3. Reduces fat and stimulates muscle growth. BCAA’s basically take energy from fat instead of muscles
Fueled: What’s In Your Tank?
I once met the sweetest lady at the gym. She was always smiling and friendly…always faithful to her workouts….and did I mention she was 80 years old? She would speak to me sweetly and say a blessing over my health. I want to be like that when I’m 80!
It breaks my heart to look around the American society at large and see people popping every prescription drug imaginable in an effort to manage a diagnosis or buffer some pain. There is a place for medicine, but we’ve gotten out of
Hope Fortified
Fortified Hope Helps You Cope…
Pretty much every packaged food today is fortified with essential vitamins and minerals. Whole Foods are full of them naturally. The soul of the earth is rich in minerals that help crops grow and be rich in nutrition. The best fields are allowed to lay fallow every so many years-giving them a season of rest so they can produce their best.
In America this practice isn’t done anymore. Our foods aren’t so nutrient dense as they used to be. Fruit is picked too early and
Living in the Central Valley of California . .
Is beautiful.
When most think of California (especially when you travel), they think of it as Los Angeles or San Francisco. But the middle of the state is a grand valley full of life and beauty. Central Valley California is agricultural, providing countless variety of fruits, vegetable, nuts and don’t forget the vineyards as we live in the heart of wine country. For years I’ve lived on the Mokulumne River with wineries as my neighbors. Row after row of delicate vines. Beautiful
Know Who You Are: Why Genetics Matter
I have been fascinated with the human body, fitness and nutrition most of my life. My fascination began around the age of 12 or 13. Ive been a student of physiology and anatomy ever since. I want to always learn and always grow. I always want to be on the cutting edge and up to date with research, trends (not fads) and maximize performance all the while maintaining a more holistic or prevention based approach to health, longevity and medicine.
I’ve been experimenting with DNA based nutrition. I’m having a blast