
One of the most important things to do in the life of a Believer is to learn to recognize the voice of God. He’s speaking all the time. He’s calling to you. So many miss it because they weren’t paying attention or realizing the signs and signals being thrown to them.  So let me encourage you. I have been asked to encourage you with this...Lean in.

I’ve always called it pressing in, but it’s the same thing. Become a “noticer”. 

Love is in the details so pay attention to the details. 

God will use whatever he wants to gain your attention. Ask him to help you recognize, consider and know his voice when he speaks, directs and guides. He guides with scripture always. This is the foundation. But the intimate details of your life aren’t outlined in the scriptures so what then? You pray. You seek. Then you find because He is faithful to reveal to those who seek him. That’s a promise in the Bible. The Holy Spirit is a Comforter. The Spirit will provide peace. The learning curve is the doubt between reason and intellect and sheer intuition and faith. Over time your ability to know will grow. But you must step out in faith and practice. Faith involves certain risk. Take what you believe God is guiding you toward and take steps in the direction of it.

Let me give an example.

When it’s not God you will not have peace. You will be ill at ease. Something will feel off or not quite right. But the Holy Spirit is also peculiar so don’t think something clean cut or easy to understand with your mind is a sign. Listen with your heart and soul, not your head. You have to quiet your inner man to discern in purity. 

There will be difficulty in any actions taken, but this can also be true when it is God. Pray. Pray. Pray. Tell the Lord the Bible says we find when we seek and you are seeking the discernment to know. Knowledge. Wisdom. Discernment, knowledge and wisdom will be given.

When it’s God speaking to you there may be themes. For example, right now the Lord is speaking to me about remaining steadfast. With such, he keeps encouraging me to have faith and confidence in something I’ve been asked to remain steadfast with. I see the word steadfast everywhere. I keep seeing scriptures with this word and it’s like it is super naturally highlighted. That’s the spirit charging my spirit with instruction. I know what I’ve been asked to do and he keeps reminding me to be faithful to it. I have a feeling he desires some steadfastness from you, too?

I am specifically praying for you to encounter God, not just know him. I want you to EXPERIENCE him. Explore the baptism of the Holy Spirit. It is power in prayer. It is marvelous. It is like  a workout under the influence of a pre workout drink. ENERGY for the soul. I received the baptism of the Holy Spirit with the manifestation of speaking unknown tongues (1 Corinthians 14:2) because I was curious and I wanted more of God. I wanted anything that meant I could have more of him. I wasn’t familiar with tongues, but had heard of it from a few people so I was open and curious. I prayed a long time and never received it. So I prayed and told God I just wanted him, not any special gift. So whatever he wanted to give me I would be happy. I didn’t ask for that anymore, but began reading a book called 9 O’Clock in the Morning by Dennis Bennett. I don’t even know if this book is still in print. It’s a short book and by the end I was in my backyard sunbathing in my bikini and laughing hard because this is where I began speaking in tongues. God never needs a formality to show up. This may be one of the things I love most about him. He is so unique and different. Unconventional. Uncommon. Mysterious. So enormously gorgeous. And he came for your beautiful soul.

I’m here to help you and guide you. I’m here to encourage you. I am here to love you and remind you—the best is yet to come. God is  talking to others about the beauty in your soul and the Golden plans he has for you. Like a sleepy bear, it’s time for you to AWAKEN from hibernation. Be WATERED. Remain STEADFAST. You are a garden worth the investment. ~Nicole 

Pray with me:

“Lord, I have no intention of quitting the job you have given me. I will run the race, resist the pressures and complete the assignment. Your love is the magnet that pulls at my heart. Equip me more fully so I can chase after you, doing all you ask me to do. All because of this great love. Amen.”

“All this I have spoken while still with you. But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you. Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled  and do not be afraid.“ 
John 14:25-27