You Can So You Will!
“She has done what she could…”
Difference Makers do things “differently”.
I have always been compelled and drawn to the unique. People and things, experiences, that are not the norm or status quo experience. I guess maybe because I have always felt a little different. I rather enjoy it, actually.
I am forever grateful for the family I grew up in. A strong family foundation has enormous merit in how a person ultimately turns out. This doesn’t mean one without a strong family can’t turn out stellar. Of course not. If you know
Treasure Hunter
You are doing a lot of good.
You may not always be aware of how your life is positively impacting others, but believe that it is…
and one day, God will bless you to see the fruit. Keep loving. Keep believing and keep receiving all God has for you. He’s got you! So continue on dreaming big. In fact, I challenge you to—
Dream bigger…
Only the best is yet to come.
And never forget, the battle is already won and the promise is done.
Persist in what sets your soul on fire. There
“Let us be grateful to people who make us happy, they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom.” ~Marcel Proust
When I see a beautiful garden I often think of all the work they went into planting it and keeping it weed free. People are much the same as a garden. Healthy, secure and strong relationships require much tenderness, love and care. People must be nurtured just like a garden.
Your heart is a garden to house your soul…just like a green house full of moisture and
Spiritual fitness is a bit like physical fitness. Health, wholeness and healing come to all who expose their being to possibility.
When we exercise our mind and free expression we open our world and it becomes larger. One thing I’ve always said college can do for a young person is give them a bigger world view and expand their deductive reasoning abilities.
When you work a muscle with resistance training you explore the possibility the muscle fibers offer. Will I get stronger? Will I grow bigger? Will I
Can I Be Honest?
Can I be honest for a moment? Transparent?
I am perhaps one of the most private people you could ever encounter. It is a sheer act of God that I write. That I bear my soul with my pen, that I use the internet or profusely post on social media pages. Left to my own, I’d write for me alone (like I used to do)—just me and my journal keeping everything I write to myself with bits of it spilling out in personal notes I like to mail to
Hello there.
What an excellent day.
I hear it was Heaven made.
But what exactly does that mean to you?
A Heaven made day means something different to everyone, but here’s a glimpse into my heart and what stirs me deeply. For me…this is what it means.
I love the free expression my heart yields in His Presence. It is frequently found in my pen, but when I speak it is found there as well. Time spent meditating on God, reading, writing, praying—these things bring out the best in me.
It All Ties Together
REST in the Arms of the Almighty.
At the end of the day you can rest when you know you’ve given your best and can trust God with the particulars of world order and personal progress and provision. Learn to say no to some things so you can say yes to others. There are demands for our time and attention everywhere. Be intentional about rest!
EXERCISE your freedom to choose to be kind, generous, and willing to discipline yourself in right living. Take up hobbies that refresh your soul. Do charitable work
Spirit Move
God does things His own way…
Who could possibly know the mind and methods of God? He asked a man to build a boat without knowing what a boat was—there had never been a need for such a vessel. He asked a people to carry a box around the Middle East full His Presence, but they were not aloud to touch it—known as The Arc of the Covenant. He asked a young girl to birth a Savior, because of her purity she was selected, and because of
When Love Walks In . . .
There is the world we see and then there is the spirit world we don’t. We are spirits with bodies. Who we truly are resides in the soul. And everything about us exudes from there. Who we are on the inside is what makes us beautiful. What we are on the outside is what can be seen immediately. It’s important to care for our bodies and present well because first impressions matter whether we want them to or not. But getting to know a person is when we find out
Healthy You in 2019
Ive been a lover of health and fitness my entire life. God just put it in me. It’s part of my purpose—not to be healthy, though of course that’s true—but to get the Church healthy. Healing Virtue. I believe in creative miracles healing—been there done that. Want more because I love to explore the depths and riches of Heaven! But God is also extremely “practical” by human standards. He likes to be stealthy with His miracles at times. Lots of the time. Just last night I was praying and praising