Drink Up!
Dehydration—an abnormal loss of water from the body, especially from illness or physical exertion.
We all know what it is, but how can we create strategies to overcome chronic battles with it?
It’s very common in my industry, fitness and wellness, to encounter people who are chronically dehydrated. There are a variety of contributing factors. So if you find yourself dehydrated take note of this check list and assess!
Possible reasons for dehydration:
•you consume too much caffeine or energy drinks.
•you choose high calorie drinks instead of water (this could include the caffeine category
Hold your own today…
You are a timeless classic.
There is nothing like simple elegance that carries itself with no need to impress. It just rests in who it is, Identity hemmed by a seamless garment.
“When the soldiers crucified Jesus, they took his clothes, dividing them into four shares, one for each of them, with the undergarment remaining. This garment was seamless, woven in one piece from top to bottom.”
John 19:23
Did you know?. . .
I used to deeply struggle with sugar.
I know it had to be an addiction,
Bottoms Up! Drink From This Cup. . .
He owns the cattle on a thousand hills. Who is he to lack consideration to provide for you?
God never takes a day off from caring about you. He never grows weary or tired. He is always up for traveling with you down that extra mile!
Oh Ancient of Days! The Lord says to the souls of men,
“Graze on my hills, rest in my valleys. Drink deep my sweet nectar as the bee upon the flower. Hold tight to my embrace. I Am Grace. I Am the foliage that shades your face.
Spiritual fitness is a bit like physical fitness. Health, wholeness and healing come to all who expose their being to possibility.
When we exercise our mind and free expression we open our world and it becomes larger. One thing I’ve always said college can do for a young person is give them a bigger world view and expand their deductive reasoning abilities.
When you work a muscle with resistance training you explore the possibility the muscle fibers offer. Will I get stronger? Will I grow bigger? Will I
It All Ties Together
REST in the Arms of the Almighty.
At the end of the day you can rest when you know you’ve given your best and can trust God with the particulars of world order and personal progress and provision. Learn to say no to some things so you can say yes to others. There are demands for our time and attention everywhere. Be intentional about rest!
EXERCISE your freedom to choose to be kind, generous, and willing to discipline yourself in right living. Take up hobbies that refresh your soul. Do charitable work
Yesterday I came across a photograph of my boys that was maybe from 7 years ago. Kids change so much so quickly, it’s beautiful and painful at the same time. Bitter sweet I guess you would call it. I just sat drinking in the picture. They were all huddled up close to one another, laughing, the baby on my 2nd oldest son’s shoulders—they were so happy. I am so grateful that their early and middle childhood years were happy years for them.
When my kids were really little we would sit on
Fueled: What’s In Your Tank?
I once met the sweetest lady at the gym. She was always smiling and friendly…always faithful to her workouts….and did I mention she was 80 years old? She would speak to me sweetly and say a blessing over my health. I want to be like that when I’m 80!
It breaks my heart to look around the American society at large and see people popping every prescription drug imaginable in an effort to manage a diagnosis or buffer some pain. There is a place for medicine, but we’ve gotten out of
Healthy You in 2019
Ive been a lover of health and fitness my entire life. God just put it in me. It’s part of my purpose—not to be healthy, though of course that’s true—but to get the Church healthy. Healing Virtue. I believe in creative miracles healing—been there done that. Want more because I love to explore the depths and riches of Heaven! But God is also extremely “practical” by human standards. He likes to be stealthy with His miracles at times. Lots of the time. Just last night I was praying and praising
Bring Me An Apple
The apple of the eye is the absolute dead center of the pupil. Wherever the apple rests, it is completely focused and attentive. I have deep admiration for people who can look others dead in the eye when they speak, fully focused, not distracted, not gazing over your shoulder, not shifting their eyes…focused. It’s like a laser point of intention fixed on a mark. You know you have that persons full attention and they are both powerful and passionate about what they are trying to communicate.
You are the Apple of
“I will cause your name to be remembered in all generations;
therefore nations will praise you forever and ever.”
Psalm 45:17
I pray this day we listen for the heartbeat of God. I pray we hear His heart for us. I pray we feel and encounter His Presence.
He is present even when our hearts are at bay.
God’s love is Relentless.
“Part of the risk of loving is the risk that you will get hurt. But we must realize that the potential pain is worth it.” Rebecca StJames
God has taken enormous chance on you,