“Jacob I loved. Esau I hated.”
“Jacob I loved. Esau I hated.”
Can you effectively love someone you hate?
“Just as it is written: “Jacob I loved, but Esau I hated.” Romans 9:13
I’m not sure it’s possible in the natural, but when we bring God into the equation it becomes possible. I am not sure it’s bad to hate someone. God has wired us with emotions and our mind, heart, spirit and emotions are all connected. Some more emotional than others while some are more cerebral. In the same way some are more spiritual and some are not.
Belief Means Everything
Never let other people speak their doubts over your belief. If there is a dream in your heart it has been planted there for a reason. Sometimes we need our soul fitness to match our physical fitness.
People will tear you down, but God will always pick you up. He will grow you, but will always work with your positives.
You matter.
Your voice matters.
And your feelings matter.
Faith overrides feelings, but faith won’t discredit or patronize them.
Your life is a collection of moments and memories. Make the most of it!
Don’t forget! Keep the
Essence of Heaven
God’s Grace cannot be trumped by our goodness. His grace is scandalous and pardons what we can’t fix and I think this is a beautiful, but peculiar aspect to His Character.
I love it!
Our obedience is a form of adoration, but it is not the instrument of His portions.
He gives…
He gives…
He gives….
Because HE Lives!
We may fall…
But He will rise!
Doing good and being good are good. But what stirs God’s heart is when we love good.
God doesn’t need our effort to advance Himself, but by the power of His love He includes
You Are Not Invisible
I just read a fantastic article about how to find a teachable moment with your child in the midst of an awkward, uncomfortable or negative situation. Extremely commendable effort this piece. I deeply desire to share it as it is the inspiration for this blog piece. I’m having a little trouble with my plugins so I’m not sure the link with connect. I will include it so you can merely cut and paste in your search. Fantastic piece.
I spent a great percentage of my life with personal experiences of feeling
Hidden Treasures
Have you ever met someone who appears to do all things well, carried themselves well, just extremely polished? Excellence—everywhere excellent.
There is a regal quality to a person who carries themself well and does well. There is an added luster to their Shine when they handle themselves well in all of their well doing. It is human nature to compel toward pride and the pride of life. So when you come across one who does well and has room and reason to boast, but chooses the path of kindness and generosity
Seek and Find
A step forward can be great gain when we use it to give Glory to His Name.
You’re steps are Chosen.
His Path for you clear.
He has seen each one before you ever took one.
Think about that.
Have confidence in that!
You can only bubble over with the Hope and Glory knowing you will have a Banner Year! No matter what you face today-it is building in you a foundation for brighter days…
if you will just keep going!
Gentle and Kind
A Story of Hope, Gentleness & Kindness
I remembered a story from when I went to get a pedicure/manicure a few years back. As I sat in my chair at the salon I watched this elderly couple come in together. I love to observe people. People are fascinating and peculiar and puzzling all at the same time and I truly adore humanity.
So this couple…
The wife was the one getting the manicure, but her husband escorted her in and took care of every detail. He spoke with the receptionist, he
“Kindness is just love with its work-boots on.” ~unknown
Life’s greatest blessings are usually comprised of a collection of moments…not one grand detail, but thousands of tiny details all tangled together. Like droplets in the Sea, intertwined so delicately it is difficult to separate one drop from another.
Life is a gift, extraordinary, isn’t it? Life is full of pain…passion…and promise. I believe this is where the true beauty is, the creation of something so emotionally provocative it creates the beautiful atmosphere to which our heart can become fully undone in
The Law of Kindness
I made a post on Twitter the other morning. Actually—I believe it was yesterday. Our days are so packed full they seem to melt one to the other. But it must be pure gold because the beauty of this trip has only increased.
I invite you to my twitter thread if you don’t already follow me there. I keep that page mostly love, encouragement and inspiration. While my Instagram is mostly fitness/health related.
Anyway, I made this post about how extraordinary technology is. I tried to pack as light as I could
Kindness Kindles…
The Lord is Good and His Tender Mercies endure forever. Fragrant is the sweet smell of kindness. Aromatic are the fruit of the Spirit as they leave a trail of essential goodness.
Have you ever walked into a house while a dinner was cooking? The smell is so delicious, so inviting and brings a sense of comfort and “home” even if it’s not your home.
I mentioned in an earlier post that my husband and I are in Israel this week with a group from our Church. This evening