Belief Means Everything
Never let other people speak their doubts over your belief. If there is a dream in your heart it has been planted there for a reason. Sometimes we need our soul fitness to match our physical fitness.
People will tear you down, but God will always pick you up. He will grow you, but will always work with your positives.
You matter.
Your voice matters.
And your feelings matter.
Faith overrides feelings, but faith won’t discredit or patronize them.
Your life is a collection of moments and memories. Make the most of it!
Don’t forget! Keep the
What can we do when it feels like the world has been stripped of you? How should we go? How do we proceed and prevail?
Be Faithful.
We proceed faithfully into our destiny.
Ships have anchors to hold them tight during the dread of night.
Be still.
Though the calm around you is absent, there can still be a calm within you. Hold onto him deliberately. You have got to be deliberate.
What do you do when it feels the Lord has taken from you about all he can take, only to find he is asking
What makes a wine good?
I have a friend who is a wine maker. Wine making is her passion and she opened up a winery to turn her passion into the reality of a dream. So I’ve learned just a little bit (just a little bit) about wine making from her.
There is a lot of art mixed with ingredient, science and heart to wine making. It is a process, but it is delicious for every wine connoisseur who tastes the final product. Just the right blend makes something beautiful, tasteful and
I used to make it a morning practice to drop the family at school and then my youngest stayed with me as he hadn’t begun school yet, and we go to the track and run some sprints before my morning clients. I’m recalling a day similar to this several years ago—-
On this particular day, around noon, we returned to my husband’s office which is adjacent to the track I’ve been using. My son looks toward the sky then replies,
“The sun doesn’t look like that when we run sprints.”
I smiled inwardly
Glory Kissed
How does it feel to be unashamedly yourself?
Pure and true just you; every single day? Everything you do, everything you say glory kissed and heaven made.
This is the way it should be—
There’s something gorgeous and mysterious when we give in to the unbridled devotion of Heaven. There is a Creator who savors your company. Open up and receive…
Receiving is active. Receiving is good. But receiving can also be uncomfortable.
When I was in the fifth grade I had a reoccurring dream. It was powerful and rich and vivid. It was exquisite
Graced To Advance
“The soul’s craving for peace is its natural yearning for its End, it’s Maker, and it’s God. Since the soul is large enough to contain the infinite God, nothing less than Him can satisfy or contain it.”
Edward P Pusey
Do not be discouraged when you face trials of many kinds. This could be God’s instrument to captivate you. God wants to occupy every recess within. He knows your capacity. He knows what you are capable of. He knows what you can handle.
The heart is big, very big,
Intimacy With Greater Things
None of Jobs friends really understood what Job was going through. They had no personal experience the same as his. Though they cared about him, they failed to know how to properly care for him. So they had to idly sit by and watch him.
“Have no fear of sudden disaster or of the ruin that overtakes the wicked, for the Lord will be at your side and will keep your foot from being snared.” Proverbs 3:25-26
Job had a story in the Bible like none other. Despite his long
God bless the men who stained the ground red; who layed down their lives, who paid the price through the sacrifice of their fortune, their cattle, their bread. They left their wives as widows and children as well…they did it for me, so I could be free.
I’m so glad our Founding Men didn’t shrink back with worry or fear. I’m sure they had ample emotions of both. How will this turn out? Will our life end? Will America prevail or will British ships sail home with a banner
Headlong & Strong: Go In Deep
Obedience to God produces a peculiar glory and builds a peculiar faith in a God who tends to delight to do things…peculiarly. I think He likes mystery. He likes to show off a bit. Not because He has an enlarged ego-but He could if He wanted- take a look at how successful He is at accomplishing what He purposes Himself toward. No, He likes to show off like a peacock attempting to woo a bride. He adores humanity and He desires to be adored by us all. He
New Covers
There is a sweet victory that accompanies friendship with a Mighty Savior, the king of Kings. He has a way of clearing the smoke or dust cloud the Enemy has made and He settles in. He settles in deep and you can feel the weight of His Presence.
I happen to be one who loves covers. You know, like on your bed or a throw blanket? I like, even in summer, to be able to feel the weight of the blankets on me. I like it a little bit heavy. If