Worn, Torn and Worth a Million Bucks
I have this t-shirt. . .
I have a t-shirt-it’s really more like a muscle shirt, that is black and has flames across the chest. It says “girl gang“ next to the flames. It has rips, tears and holes all over it that were intentionally put there.
I had forgotten I had it and rediscovered it this week and I learned something—not much has changed when it comes to the response I receive for this shirt. I get a lot of compliments of people liking my shirt each time I wear
Get Fat!
No one wants to be fat, but what are fats and why does our body actually need it?
Fats are organic molecules. They are comprised of hydrogen joined together into long groupings called hydrocarbons. How these chains combine and interact determines the type of fat they are. A fatty acid is a simple unit of fat.
Types of fats include:
SATURATED (solid or semi solid at room temperature)
•Animal fat
•Tropical oils like coconut oil
UNSATURATED (liquid at room temperature)
•olive oil
Rest & Digest
Rest & Digest
When we have too much norepinephrine in our system we are in “fight or flight” mode. This neurotransmitter inhibits digestion. Our gut needs to be at rest to digest.
In this time of extended stress and uncertainty another way you can boost your immune system is to actively focus on relaxation before eating.
Currently, with this quarantine and the corona virus (COVID-19), we are all a little bit in a state of perpetual flight or fight.
Try not to stress eat
Instead, take some
Essence of Heaven
God’s Grace cannot be trumped by our goodness. His grace is scandalous and pardons what we can’t fix and I think this is a beautiful, but peculiar aspect to His Character.
I love it!
Our obedience is a form of adoration, but it is not the instrument of His portions.
He gives…
He gives…
He gives….
Because HE Lives!
We may fall…
But He will rise!
Doing good and being good are good. But what stirs God’s heart is when we love good.
God doesn’t need our effort to advance Himself, but by the power of His love He includes
What’s Your Type?
Just breathe. Just relax. Rest. Don’t you know proper rest is essential for proper recovery and immune health? All statements you may have heard before.
Our Parasympathetic Nervous System is our bodies way of regulating involuntary activities. It is a part of the Autonomic Nervous System and it tells our body what to do without our having to think about it. It just happens automatically. It says such things as “rest-and-digest” or “feed and breed”. This is because it is the system that tells us to relax and take it easy
Drink Up!
Dehydration—an abnormal loss of water from the body, especially from illness or physical exertion.
We all know what it is, but how can we create strategies to overcome chronic battles with it?
It’s very common in my industry, fitness and wellness, to encounter people who are chronically dehydrated. There are a variety of contributing factors. So if you find yourself dehydrated take note of this check list and assess!
Possible reasons for dehydration:
•you consume too much caffeine or energy drinks.
•you choose high calorie drinks instead of water (this could include the caffeine category
Intentional Living
The New Year will be here before you know it with many making a New Year’s Resolution to get fit. Intentions are good and motivation high, for a while. Before you know it, usually by the end of week two, the cares of life distract your desire and you’ve given up on that goal. But if you stick it through, doing a little bit of good every day then you will gain momentum to carry you through. You will begin to see results and the good fruit of your efforts
It All Ties Together
REST in the Arms of the Almighty.
At the end of the day you can rest when you know you’ve given your best and can trust God with the particulars of world order and personal progress and provision. Learn to say no to some things so you can say yes to others. There are demands for our time and attention everywhere. Be intentional about rest!
EXERCISE your freedom to choose to be kind, generous, and willing to discipline yourself in right living. Take up hobbies that refresh your soul. Do charitable work
Hope Fortified
Fortified Hope Helps You Cope…
Pretty much every packaged food today is fortified with essential vitamins and minerals. Whole Foods are full of them naturally. The soul of the earth is rich in minerals that help crops grow and be rich in nutrition. The best fields are allowed to lay fallow every so many years-giving them a season of rest so they can produce their best.
In America this practice isn’t done anymore. Our foods aren’t so nutrient dense as they used to be. Fruit is picked too early and
Know Who You Are: Why Genetics Matter
I have been fascinated with the human body, fitness and nutrition most of my life. My fascination began around the age of 12 or 13. Ive been a student of physiology and anatomy ever since. I want to always learn and always grow. I always want to be on the cutting edge and up to date with research, trends (not fads) and maximize performance all the while maintaining a more holistic or prevention based approach to health, longevity and medicine.
I’ve been experimenting with DNA based nutrition. I’m having a blast