Mindset to Move Mountains. . .
“When it rains, most birds head for shelter; the Eagle is the only bird that, in order to avoid the rain, starts flying above the cloud.” ~Unknown
Some of the biggest and best accomplishments this world has ever seen have been done under extreme duress and adversity.
Airplanes rise against the wind not with it.
It is the wind against a sail that makes the boat go.
Don’t turn back when others speak skepticism and lack. Don’t confuse wise and Godly instruction for criticism and do not mistake criticism for wise instruction. If it’s
Triage, by definition is —noun
1. the process of sorting victims, as of a battle or disaster, to determine medical priority in order to increase the number of survivors.
When I write, when I pray, what I see all leads me to triage of hearts, minds and souls. My life, my words, my actions are meant for more than just a bandaid. A bandaid only covers a wound and masks it, if you will. But triage is willing to investigate. Triage is a willingness to get down deep with people. Triage is
Something from Nothing
“By faith Noah, being warned by God about things not yet seen, in reverence prepared an ark for the salvation of his household, by which he condemned the world, and became an heir of the righteousness which is according to faith.” Hebrews 11:7
Only God The Absolute and Majestic Creator of all the heavens and the earth beneath. Yes, only He can create something out of nothing. Not only did He fill the span of His hand and call it the heavens and the sky…He flooded the earth with liquid and
Custom Fit
Cut from a different cloth…
I love textiles. I am particular about tapestry and textures. I touch everything. I love all forms of design. When I buy a new journal I don’t just observe the outward appearance. I open it up and touch it. I feel the texture of the paper as I glide a stroke of my hand across the page. All of it- a part of the experience of writing for me.
My favorite garments aren’t always my most beautiful articles of clothing in my wardrobe, but those
Alpha & Omega
He is there, Sovereign, Solid and True—
He is the Creator,
the Besotted,
the Ancient One.
He is Spirit.
He is Mystery.
He is Chivalry.
He is all of these and more.
He is the Beginning.
He is the End.
He is the First.
He will be the Last.
He will live on forever.
A Conquering King. . .
And boy, oh boy, He is clever and thinks of everything!
He is everything that makes my heart happy.
When I was a child I loved to visit my maternal grandparents. I loved them dearly and felt very close with them.
Turn It Up
”Make up your mind,” Moab says.
“Render a decision.
Make your shadow like night—
at high noon.
Hide the fugitives,
do not betray the refugees.” Isaiah 16:3
When I was a young girl I had many fears, the dark being one of them. It was a common occurrence beginning at a young age for me to sleep with my head under the covers.
I tend to think that sensitive souls feel everything around them very deeply. At least I know I do. I can feel the spiritual dynamics in a room, I can feel others
Discovered Tenacity
Sometimes the best thing that can happen to you in life is to fail at something.
Have you ever attempted something only to fair at it rather than excel? For the champions purposed toward excellence mediocre is the same as a failure. Or is it?
Failure is what sets apart the champion from the talker or complainer. Failure has a way of chipping away at our mold and revealing clusters of pure gold. Often times the greater the failure the larger the bounce back. That’s if
As I am entering a season of life with much shifting and change I witness some extraordinary things God is doing to equip and prepare me. I do not fully know what is coming, but I see him surrounding me with very strong women who know who they are in Christ. I don’t fully know what’s around the bend, but I have glimpses and daily seek direction from my Heavenly Compass and Light.
How do you access the heart of God and His Holy Chambers? How do you know His will
Welcome To My Kitchen
“If you keep yourself pure, you will be a special utensil for honorable use. Your life will be clean, and you will be ready for the Master to use you for every good work.”
2 Timothy 2:21 (NLT)
I love this translation of this passage…to be a utensil for honorable use.
I frequently dream of having a grand kitchen with many tables and I am wearing my apron and I am serving, serving, serving the meal. God is continually reminding me to feed His Sheep. It seems so simple, yet it draws
Fire to the Flood
“Then he said to his servant, “Go and look out toward the sea.”
1 Kings 18:43
In this passage we read how Elijah called forth in faith a Mighty rain storm. He prayed and prayed with his head down low until a small, non-intimidating cloud appeared. And as that cloud drew near, a Mighty storm unloaded water to a dry Kingdom.
Is your life experiencing lack or dryness? Are you thirsting for more? Your more can be any of a myriad of things. More groceries for your family. More gas in the car.