Slam the Brakes!
“Remember this: the cross is God’s great stop sign. The devil may be moving in against us at full speed, but when we put up the cross, he slams on his brakes and comes to a screeching halt because he cannot pass the cross. That’s where Jesus stopped the way against all our enemies.”
(Derek Prince Ministries)
What afflicts you?
What is rising against you?
How is your Peace?
With the Peace of God the Anchor holds steady and strong through even the fiercest storms.
The battle may rage, but you won’t.
The road is smooth and
Meet Me In The Upper Room
Little can always become great in the Hands and Heart of God.
What is it your heart cries for?
What is it that your soul yearns for?
There is a wanderlust of soul the Holy One in Heaven has ignited and He is delighted to stir it and yield something more.
Whatever your day holds—
Be it grand and important with many hands dependent upon you, many minds, many mouths to. Or maybe it is you alone in your world you have to behold. God is in it. He is there with you now.
He is