Joy Is A Weapon
God’s Love. . .
There’s something so much more than a feeling, yet that is how it all begins. God taps into our emotions.
People have a mind… A heart…
A brain—And people have emotions. Our emotions are dynamic and eclectic and combine together to create a myriad of emotions on lots of levels of expression.
This thing with God…it starts off as something that sparks a feeling and then grabs hold of our attention. As we pay attention something gets highlighted in our heart. We become moved, inside to the out, by this
Grace that Overcomes.
There are few things in life quite like the glory of friendship.
My entire life I have more negative female experiences than positive ones. Perhaps this isn’t true, it is better to declare that I have had more than my fair share of the extreme in this department.
As a youth I was the “outsider” in my church youth group. At school I had girlfriends I hung around with, had common clubs or classes with, but it wasn’t uncommon for them to behave “uniquely” toward me. If not at first–eventually. But there