Healing Virtue
True and Genuine Kindness is the dew of Heaven.
Each day in Israel has been packed full morning to night with excursions which brought my heart delight—so many they are all starting to blur together and then the few magnified and highlighted on my soul. Forever etched in gold.
Yesterday was probably the most personally significant day of our trip to Israel for me. I knew before coming I was traveling there to receive something. Powerful dreams engaged me at night leading up to Sunday.
On Sunday I received what I came for
Time Under Tension
It takes a long time to build muscle and change your shape. With consistent effort, good nutrition and faithfulness you begin to see some fruit of your efforts right away, but for long term wellness you’ve got to stick and stay. Your reward is in the constant and deliberate application of it. You’ve got to be patient.
The same is true for Soul Strength. You must nurture your own heart, feed it good stuff, always be expanding your mind and growing your soul. Be open to new ideas and opportunities as