Unusual Faith
"As pressures and stress bear down on me, I find comfort in your commands.” Psalm 119:143
I am such a lover of the pen--Actual hand written script is my favorite expression. I've got journals full of it. Something fluid and magnificent happens inside of me as I become unlaced in His Presence. Writing has always forced my mind to slow down. It directs me to ponder as I listen to my Love. And as I hear Him speak I get to rehearse His gentle and kind words over again as they bleed from my pen.
Writing or free expression is extremely therapeutic for me. I think it is for most writers of the creative kind. We are free to say whatever inspires us. There are no rules. We touch the page and it’s a bit like dancing. We move freely and when the writing is attached with the gift of prophetic exhortation—as it is for me, He comes alongside and begins to dance with me.
Heaven is a courtship like none other. God is real and it’s a pure and sacred romance. I speak literally and symbolically. God is not carnal or human. But he knows our hearts, every last one. He knows our life, our likes our dislikes. He knows how to speak to us and how to gather our attention. He knows how to “Court”.
I’ve been spending more time interceding lately on some very specific topics which require break through.
Break through for others. Break through for myself personally. And break through for my city. I asked the Lord to show me specifically the primary principality responsible for all these common themes I am seeing. I recognize signature work of a particular prince of darkness. So I prayed and asked for three consecutive days. Then I had the dream and I learned it’s name.
Can I say that ever since I saw that thing vivid and clear in my dream I have had more opposition than I even had before. I knew what I was asking for when I asked to see it. But if it’s called out by name and I stand proxy and repent for the Body of Christ, then it will rear its head...so I can chop it off.
Nehemiah prayed this way.
George Mueller prayed this way.
Rees Howells prayed this way.
Each one had power in intercession because they lead the prayer with humility and repentance. It didn’t matter if they were repenting for a sin they committed or not. They acknowledged them self a sinner and that God has been sinned against. They considered that no one is worthy not even one. So we are all on level ground together.
Samson prayed for his eyes just one last time to feel the pillars and that God would be glorified in his strength just enough to topple the coliseum. God granted his request.
But much like Samson, I know that when you take on darkness in prayer and on spiritual levels Delilah will come out of hiding.
What does Delilah have to do with prayer?
First, let me back up. What gave these men extraordinary miracle ministries? They lead uncommon lives of sacrifice and faith. They had uncommon power as Intercessors because they surrendered all control of their lives, their wealth, their reputation and they received uncommon Authority.
Nehemiah walked away from a cushy palace to live among the rubble and got his hands dirty helping Israel overcome trouble. Nehemiah’s “Delilah” were two men named Tobiah and Sanballet. These two men threatened and tried to intimidate him all the while he prepared the walls of security around the city.
George Mueller lived totally by faith and had such extreme faith stories of need right down to praying for food for his orphans in his orphanage meal by meal. Extraordinary stories! A minister who built huge orphanages and did many great things by Faith. He rarely had a resource, other than gratitude. As he thanked God for the need met, while still in need, then a miracle would happen. I love the story of George Mueller. I highly recommend reading his biography for a powerful faith lift. Jehovah Jirah definitely provides!
Rees Howells is probably the most impactful biography I have ever read. That book read me. My testimony so similar to his on countless plains of sacrificial obedience. Am I comparing myself to him? No. Did God use his story to help explain the obedience I was called to? Yes.
The fruit of Howells life was God’s Faithfulness to provide creative miracles and the fruit of his ministry—he took on Adolph Hilter and Nazi Germany in prayer. You can’t pray with a Rees size Anointing without a Rees sized sacrifice! The pain of his sacrifice could have looked like a countless array of “Delilah’s” .
I am so grateful I read his story. He put words to my life experience I had no words for and could never share (and still don’t) because the unusual nature of the suffering. But I give this disclaimer...his story is very hard to digest. I’ve known many a people who had to put the book down because it was too hard to even read about. But his faith, his Love with God, and the power of his ministry was astounding. The name of the book is “Rees Howells Intercessor”. I pray I am not scaring you away. I love his testimony—Bond servant for sure. (A bond servant is a calling. It is like a “next level” disciple of Christ. I would say Paul, formerly Saul, was a bond servant. There are disciples and then there are bond servants).
Then there was Samson, Old Testament Judge. Delilah, of course, was his demise. But this is where I tie in the theme of the entire thing...
Delilah can represent temptation in all of our lives. Delilah is anything or anyone who is actively trying to bind the move and strength of God and his assignments. Anything or anyone we listen to more than the Holy Spirit is in danger of being an idol. In danger of being a Delilah.
Sometimes our greatest weaknesses are things or people familiar or that we love.
So grab hold of God. Do not waiver in the very things you know God has assigned your heart to do. Yes, the Enemy of your soul will rear his head and try to influence you to step back, hold back or even hide. Do not listen.
Do not listen.
Though the tide is high, with God you will rise.
You will give sight to those who cannot see...I mean spiritually and physically.
You will heal the sick....
Sick in body. Sick in mind. Sick in soul.
And I believe with all my heart...
we will raise the dead.
Everything I write. Everything I speak has the intentions of doing all of these things. To set the captive free. It is always laced with Love, Faith, Hope. I pray this Holy Spirit directed post shakes your heart and soul and loosens any chains or shackles that hinder you. Loose oppression. Free the captive. Untie the bound.
Rid yourself of the ridiculous-
Fear, Jealousy, Covetousness, Insecurity, Poverty Thinking, Hopeless Mentality.
Now— grab hold of Heaven’s Tree called Lovely.
I know from experience-
It will shade you well.
God bless one and all to pray! But bless God that He has Intercessors and they pave the way. By the Mantle of His Love, Blood and Sacrifice they have sacrificed so you might overcome. How Beautiful are the feet of those who bring Good News! How Beautiful are those who shake the gates of Hell Open!