
What can we do when it feels like the world has been stripped of you? How should we go? How do we proceed and prevail?

Be Faithful.

We proceed faithfully into our destiny.

Ships have anchors to hold them tight during the dread of night.

Be still.

Though the calm around you is absent, there can still be a calm within you. Hold onto him deliberately. You have got to be deliberate.

What do you do when it feels the Lord has taken from you about all he can take, only to find he is asking for a bit more?

Be submissive.

And God’s version of submission is in no way skewed or bent. His submission is pure and lovely, gentle and loving. In fact, you will find the Lord himself submitting himself right along side of you helping to carry the burden for you (Psalms 56:22; Matt. 11:28-30; Is. 41:13). His plans, purposes, will play alongside you gently and faithfully. So as you submit faithfully and deliberately repent continually like a gentle and daily washing of the soul. Be still and wait for your Lord. Obey his lead as though he were guiding you on the back of a great steed. Though you may not fully know where it is you go—you trust that he does. One thing the Lord has told me repeatedly over the last half of a year is that I don’t have to understand to obey.

You don’t have to understand the requests of the Lord to obey them. Trust him with the particulars. Remain faithful. The Lord is with you and he is genuine, reliable, trustworthy, sincere and capable.

2020 will be a banner year for you. It will be complete with all the ingredients abundance requires.
Hold tight. I hope my little note has left your heart full, encouraged and maybe a little inspired. Courage needs feeding.

Be courageous.
Be faithful.
Be still.
Be submission.
Be encouraged.

“So we have the prophetic word made more sure, to which you do well to pay attention as to a lamp shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star arises in your hearts.”

2 Peter 1:19