You Are Not Invisible
I just read a fantastic article about how to find a teachable moment with your child in the midst of an awkward, uncomfortable or negative situation. Extremely commendable effort this piece. I deeply desire to share it as it is the inspiration for this blog piece. I’m having a little trouble with my plugins so I’m not sure the link with connect. I will include it so you can merely cut and paste in your search. Fantastic piece.
I spent a great percentage of my life with personal experiences of feeling
Kindness Kindles…
The Lord is Good and His Tender Mercies endure forever. Fragrant is the sweet smell of kindness. Aromatic are the fruit of the Spirit as they leave a trail of essential goodness.
Have you ever walked into a house while a dinner was cooking? The smell is so delicious, so inviting and brings a sense of comfort and “home” even if it’s not your home.
I mentioned in an earlier post that my husband and I are in Israel this week with a group from our Church. This evening