You Are Not Invisible
I just read a fantastic article about how to find a teachable moment with your child in the midst of an awkward, uncomfortable or negative situation. Extremely commendable effort this piece. I deeply desire to share it as it is the inspiration for this blog piece. I’m having a little trouble with my plugins so I’m not sure the link with connect. I will include it so you can merely cut and paste in your search. Fantastic piece.
I spent a great percentage of my life with personal experiences of feeling alone or left out intentionally...feeling invisible. I have written before how I endured my first female shunning by a group of girls in my Kindergarten class. Kindergarten!
Unfortunate to share that it was only my first shunning, it was not even close to my last. All of it extremely unnatural. It was clearly a demonic assignment against my life to agitate my heart enough to allow evil inside of it. But God used it all for something enormously good. The Devil has no idea the Resilient yet Tender Tree the Father had carved me from.
I converted every one of these experiences into Power.
I realize now, and have realized for many, many years now—what a gift of God and preparation it was for the mantle the Lord has given me to help everyone feel like someone and enormously special. It’s not just an effort, it is an anointing. God turned my personal pain into a glorious ministry of soul. God blessed me with a unique ability to lavish rest and peace and comfort into other and they can feel it without me speaking a word. So truly, I am a refresher of souls. As such, when I opened my social media accounts over a decade ago it was truly the only bio I needed. It explained me best...my Calling, my Purpose. I heal people.
As a youth, by the 5th grade maybe, I made a mental notebook where I compiled a list of what “NOT to do” with people by observation of the poor behaviors of others.. . I vowed never to make another feel how I was just lead to feel. I was going to make people feel good. What gave me as a young girl the wisdom to do that only God knows because it wasn’t taught to me. However-the fruit is sweet and it has gained momentum because I can now say I have supernatural ability to love even the worst of offenders. My disposition...if God loves them, then so do I. And it’s that the great commission? Love the Lord your God will all of yourself, every aspect of yourself and to love others exactly that same way? Yes. Yes it is.
“And one of them, a lawyer, asked him a question to test him. “Teacher, which is the great commandment in the Law?” And he said to him, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment. And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. On these two commandments depend all the Law and the Prophets.”
Being a friend is always about bringing love and comfort to another and placing yourself in their perspective and your own feelings last. Unusual, but the joy will surpass any momentary gratification.
Be a friend today! Build others up! ~Nicole