Declare it!
I am positive.
I am not negative.
When a deleterious, hopeless thought crosses my mind I reject it.
I am not weak or tired.
I am energized.
Because the Word says that when I am weak I am strong.
I have a zeal and fervor that is unstoppable.
I am decided.
The goal and vision are strong in my mind, but even stronger in my heart.
I can push through my pain threshold and achieve all that God has placed inside of me to do.
God believes in me, so I believe in me, too.
I have
Clean, Crisp, SweetðŸ¥
The Kingdom of God can be like a fortune cookie.
God has imbedded into the depths of each one of our being a soul. Within our soul dwells His Spirit. Well—that’s His favorite place to reside anyway.
His greatest interest isn’t your bank balance. It isn’t your job title, accomplishments or status.
No…His greatest interest is you.
See—He sees it all. The good and the not so good in each one of us. He doesn’t make a big fuss. He knows you are made of just the right combination of raw materials to truly