Alpha & Omega
He is there, Sovereign, Solid and True—
He is the Creator,
the Besotted,
the Ancient One.
He is Spirit.
He is Mystery.
He is Chivalry.
He is all of these and more.
He is the Beginning.
He is the End.
He is the First.
He will be the Last.
He will live on forever.
A Conquering King. . .
And boy, oh boy, He is clever and thinks of everything!
He is everything that makes my heart happy.
When I was a child I loved to visit my maternal grandparents. I loved them dearly and felt very close with them.
Pressed at Rest
When I was a little girl I was very timid, bashful and shy. I remember my Daddy carrying me on his forearm, holding me close to his chest. There’s such a sense of peace and rest when you have the confidence of another for supplemental strength, especially a father.
Jesus, when in the Garden of Gethsemane prayed to His Heavenly Father for Comfort, Relief and Respite. And in the quiet of the night the Christ knew what he’d been asked to do. He tried to lean on the strength of friends,