Alpha & Omega

He is there, Sovereign, Solid and True—

He is the Creator,
the Besotted,
the Ancient One.
He is Spirit.
He is Mystery.
He is Chivalry.
He is all of these and more.
He is the Beginning.
He is the End.
He is the First.
He will be the Last.
He will live on forever.
A Conquering King. . .
And boy, oh boy, He is clever and thinks of everything!
He is everything that makes my heart happy.

When I was a child I loved to visit my maternal grandparents. I loved them dearly and felt very close with them. Loved being with them at their home. They had a den with funny little things that weren’t kid friendly, but we kids played with them, my cousins and I. My grandfather, we called him Granddad, had this funny electric shoe shiner. That was fun to play with. And we’d play make believe games with their bookends from the bookcase. These bookends were big and ornate and we pretended they were academy awards. We made our public speaking debut holding book ends😂.

This is a photograph taken several years ago of my oldest and youngest. The youngest changed a lot of things for my oldest. She was 15 years old when he came into her world. She is a traveler and adventurer and has always been very mature, responsible and independent beyond her years. She wanted an east coast college experience and planned to head to Boston. But this little one came along when she was in high school. They became very close. She didn’t want to miss his “cool little kid years” so she stayed close to home for college. All because of him.

“Declaring the end from the beginning, And from ancient times things which have not been done, Saying, 'My purpose will be established, And I will accomplish all My good pleasure' Isaiah 46:10

God is like those bookends, he is there for you in the beginning and the end and He will hold your everything together that comes in between.

God is like the example of my oldest and youngest child. He is there for the thrill of every new thing, like a first born. And He is already knowing the blessings that come along. He is there. He knows. He sees. He blesses and He holds.

He was there with you, right from your beginning, right from conception. He will be there with you every day in the beginning and is with you right now. He is holding you now, guiding your path maybe even when you don’t realize it is Him. He’s gotten you through every obstacle, change of plans, uncharted course. He is the wind for your sails. The rudder for your ship. The motor to drive your life and the love that knows how to hold you tight. Be loved. Be held.

Alpha and Omega, The Beginning and in the end, I hope you count him friend.

"I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end." Revelation 22:13