Dauntless Courage
“A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another.”
John 13:34
“All extreme sensitivities, fastidiousness, suspicion, readiness ot take offense, and tenacity of what we think our due, come from self-love, as does the unworhty secret gratification we sometimes feel when another is humbled or mortified; the cold indifference, the harshness of our criticism, the unfairness and hastiness of our judgements, our bitterness towards those we dislike, and many other faults must more or
5 Keys to Live Attractively
I am God’s microphone.
I will use my voice to spread His Love to the world.
My daughter found an excellent deal on a MacBook Pro laptop. It was someone she knew professionally who was selling a barely used computer for next to nothing. Because she knew the person is probably the only reason she knew it was legit and not a scam. She knew it was too good a deal to pass by, so she called John and my entire family (boys included) chipped in to buy me the MacBook
“Jacob I loved. Esau I hated.”
“Jacob I loved. Esau I hated.”
Can you effectively love someone you hate?
“Just as it is written: “Jacob I loved, but Esau I hated.” Romans 9:13
I’m not sure it’s possible in the natural, but when we bring God into the equation it becomes possible. I am not sure it’s bad to hate someone. God has wired us with emotions and our mind, heart, spirit and emotions are all connected. Some more emotional than others while some are more cerebral. In the same way some are more spiritual and some are not.
Time Under Tension
It takes a long time to build muscle and change your shape. With consistent effort, good nutrition and faithfulness you begin to see some fruit of your efforts right away, but for long term wellness you’ve got to stick and stay. Your reward is in the constant and deliberate application of it. You’ve got to be patient.
The same is true for Soul Strength. You must nurture your own heart, feed it good stuff, always be expanding your mind and growing your soul. Be open to new ideas and opportunities as
Lady In Waiting
“But now faith, hope, love, abide these three; but the greatest of these is love.” 1 Cor. 13:13
Love is patient and kind. It looks out for others. It thinks of itself less and others more. Love is gentle and quiet yet possesses all the roar of a lion or the fiercest ocean at storm. Love does not compromise and it is pristine. Love is all things classy.
Esther, Ruth, Mary the mother of Jesus, three women who I imagine knew how to keep it classy as they loved beyond their capacity