Giving Thanks🍁
🍁Thanksgiving Day🍁
As I was preparing in the kitchen yesterday I found my thoughts wander to this grand day of Harvest in history. I thought of the earliest of settlers-the inhabitants of the colony of Roanoke. These people came to America and tried to settle the very first community in 1587. But they disappeared mysteriously without a trace. History never trulwy discovered what became of them. Some say they went black to England some say they died. Let not their tremendous legacy die in vein. We the people have a duty to
Light & Life
“Peace, when ruling the heart and ruling the mind, opens in both every avenue of joy.” ~Sarah W. Stephens
As the body of Christ we are to have both unity and diversity, but all should be walking in intense levels of peace and joy. If you have yet to discover joy or its source, I hope this little diatribe will help you.
“Therefore with joy you will draw water from the well of salvation.” Isaiah 12:3
Joy is not the same as happiness. Joy flows from the soul despite conditions of
Abundance Found…
I love the story of George Mueller. A minister who built huge orphanages and did many great things by Faith. He rarely had a resource, other than gratitude. As he thanked God for the need met, while still in need, then a miracle would happen. Imagine what America would look like if we all did this. We’d have abundance without ever becoming spoiled. Let not this season of gratefulness end with the last bite of pie. Thank God for the answer before it comes…as if you already held it in