Light & Life
"Peace, when ruling the heart and ruling the mind, opens in both every avenue of joy." ~Sarah W. Stephens
As the body of Christ we are to have both unity and diversity, but all should be walking in intense levels of peace and joy. If you have yet to discover joy or its source, I hope this little diatribe will help you.
"Therefore with joy you will draw water from the well of salvation." Isaiah 12:3
Joy is not the same as happiness. Joy flows from the soul despite conditions of life. When things are good, we have joy and happiness. When things are not so good, we may not have outward happiness, but we can flow in continual joy. True joy spills out onto others. We don't just talk of joy and walk around sour. We have a sweet disposition that encourages others without requiring any words spoken. It is like a pleasing aroma that fills the air.
So how do you get there? You must fix your position. Stop focusing on the things not well in your life. Focus on your blessings. Everyone has a blessing! So find it, something to be thankful for. Maybe you struggle with gratitude? Ungratefulness is the most slippery path to misery and is the opposite of joy.
It will take work.
•You have to focus your mind on good, not evil (Phil. 4:8)
•When your thoughts stray, you quickly correct them and bring them back in alignment with something you might look forward to or something that brings your heart a light and life giving countenance.
(2 Corinthians 10:5)
Anything that produces light and life to your heart, think on these things. It could be your kids, your pet, it could be a favorite blanket you get to snuggle under after a long day. It could be how good you plan to feel after eating the healthy meal instead of the fast food. Example, I had a client last night tell me of the length and stress of her day. She has a very prominent position in my community with much responsibility. She was exhausted and almost skipped her workout, but decided she would feel better after if she went and she did! She looked forward to the "after" satisfaction vs. the exertion of the workout. She found her joy.
"In your presence is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore." Psalm 16:11
You've got the idea. Once you find your joy you will know it. It will spill over on others like a gentle stream of refreshing waters. You won't have to force yourself to smile, it will just glide across your face effortlessly.
If you haven't found joy yet, don't be upset. It eludes countless people. My pen is simply wanting to encourage you into some action steps to find it. So if your tired of the monotony of your misery, I hope this yields a key.
Come alive with Life and Light and be vibrant in Christ! ~Nicole