Just Be
Never chase a goal so hard you forget to have fun with it.♥️
I’ve been going through some old photos—compiling them from all the various shows I’ve done over the years. I have a specific purpose for this complication for myself and my training. It’s interesting and useful to see how I’ve changed my physique over the years. Change happens small and over time. Pictures help with perspective.
As I go through them, I am reminded there’s been quite a few and I’ve now been doing this more than just a year
My AdvoCare…
I was 26 years old, married, no kids, when I met AdvoCare. I knew I was planning to start a family soon and at the time was working two part time jobs. I knew I wanted to stay home with my baby once I had one. My husband worked in Division 1 College Athletics and was rarely home due to the demands of his career. I had been praying for financial provision so I could walk away immediately from one job and then later the second. Here comes AdvoCare. I
“But those who drink the water I give will never be thirsty again. It becomes a fresh, bubbling spring within them, giving them eternal life.” John 4:14
The body is comprised almost entirely of water. We cannot live without it. It is a foundation sustenance that maintains and sustains life. Drinking water hydrates your skin, your organs function best when well hydrated and our cells maintain their shape and replicate best in the presence of adequate moisture. Without enough water fatigue sets in, the body begins to compromise its integrity and
U-Undaunted Belief
S-Set Apart
The fit female is fabulous in so many ways. She is fabulous for more than just what her body can do, (bearing children, Hello!). She has mental fitness, emotional wholeness, spiritual soundness, as well. She is balanced in every arena and she is locked inside of you.
Unleash her today!
“She girds herself with strength [spiritual, mental, and physical fitness] for her God-given task and makes her arms strong and firm.”
Proverbs 31:17
Expect It…
A small child learning to walk may fall 50 times for he or she succeeds to take a handful of steps.
A kid learning to ride their bike may wibble and wobble and even fall over, but they keep getting up.
They say if you fall off of a horse you should get right back on to eradicate any future fear of riding.
How do you know this is not your year? Though we may fall. We may fail, we may not see the fruit of results God has purposed within us, we
The Dirty Dozen
You’ve been working hard. You’ve be faithful to exercise. You’ve been watching what you eat and your portions…but the weight just isn’t coming off like you would like to see. “What’s wrong? Is it just me?” You may be thinking. There is nothing wrong with you. You are not the exception. Here are a few things to consider if this scenario describes you:
1. You cannot out exercise a bad diet. Period. Results are the product of 70-80% nutrition and 20-30% exercise.
2. You are still drinking soda, even diet, especially diet