The Dirty Dozen
You've been working hard. You've be faithful to exercise. You've been watching what you eat and your portions...but the weight just isn't coming off like you would like to see. "What's wrong? Is it just me?" You may be thinking. There is nothing wrong with you. You are not the exception. Here are a few things to consider if this scenario describes you:
1. You cannot out exercise a bad diet. Period. Results are the product of 70-80% nutrition and 20-30% exercise.
2. You are still drinking soda, even diet, especially diet soda!
3. You are eating too much processed foods. The more natural the foods state the more your body will have to work to digest it. This in itself burns calories and is a workout from the inside!
4. You've been dooped by fake health food. You are unknowingly eating snacks you think are healthy little treats or cheats but are really junk food in disguise. This one is huge! Be a label reader. Look for the sugar content.
5. You eat too much sugar even if your calories are low. This includes fruit. Treat fruit like a dessert.
6. You don't eat enough.
You need quality, frequency and believe it or not, quantity. Too little nutrition and your metabolism will shut down and save every calorie you ingest.
7. You are eating too many calories in the last part of your day.
We call this the sumo wrestler diet. Want to look like a sumo wrestler eat all your calories at night.
8. You aren't eating enough protein.
Protein is the power house of the cell. All health starts at the cellular level. Feed them what they need!
9. You aren't drinking enough water.
•how much is enough?
your body weight divided by 2 equals number of ounces you should have each day.
10. You are "rewarding" your hard work with desserts or treats. Scenario: You did fabulous all week with nutrition, portion control and exercise. You indulge in the weekend or special occasion because well, you earned it. Refer back to number 1. You cannot out exercise a bad diet. Don't self sabotage!
11. You aren't getting enough rest. The number of hours of sleep/rest you get before midnight is a good indicator of the quality of your overall rest. There is something to be said for early to bed and early to rise. You also need to listen to your body with training. Your body will tell you if you are over training and need a day off. Listen to it.
12. You are a nibbler. You eat a little taste here and there that seem insignificant, but by the end of the day you have several hundred unaccounted for calories going into your body. Illuminate nibbling and you just may find yourself dropping some inches or pounds and gaining ground.
Be a Champion! Honor yourself. Design your success and embrace your beauty. It won't be reflected in a certain number on the scale, dress size or popping muscle. It will be found in a healthy fit you who feels good and as a result looks good. True health starts within. You can do it! ~Nicole
For more regarding supplementation I trust visit NextLevelCoach.com
Great reminders! I needed it!! I love fruit…
🙂 Chrystene Sent from my iPhone