Life is full of disappointments. It cannot be avoided. We cannot go around it. It is a fact of all things in life; we will face disappointment. I am sad to say I am well acquainted with disappointment over the years of my life. I became acquainted with it at a young age. But this in it self, is not disappointing. Though disappointment comes to us all, we do not have to let it rest there. We can rise above our disappointments. Some of them, we can do nothing about. Some we can. Some we can try and put forth our grandest effort to Believe or Begin, Hope and pursue, to live at peace with others while never allowing ourselves to love them less than what the truth requires. We learn from our experiences…this is perhaps one of the greatest truths of them all. This blog is short. It has a purpose. It is for all who read it and have struggled with disappointment. It is designed for those who are currently struggling with disappointment. I am praying a blessing over you…this will be the year that you move yourself and shake yourself free of the grip disappointment has placed on you. I am praying that this would be your Year of Anticipation. I have written this in a blog form rather than a direct post to facebook for a purpose as well. It requires more effort to open a blog and read it’s contents than to scroll through a newsfeed. I delight to feed the heart of man in either form, blogs or facebook, and I do. However, I know this, the deeper the hunger of man’s heart the greater the search becomes. If you have looked beyond a status update (my facebook posts are mini versions of my blogs more or less) or if you have stumbled upon my blogs and are intrigued by my writing…it is God’s purpose that you are here.
I am a preparer of words, feeder of the heart, nurturer of the soul. God sees your heart. He sees what I cannot. He gives me insight and glimpses of what to say, but 9 times out of 10 times I don’t know how or who it will impact. God has drawn you here and you are welcome. We are all feeding others with our words everyday (whether written or spoken). What shall we serve? I desire my words to be nourishing to the heart, mind, soul, yet sweet and flavorful to the palate. Should I serve you meat, I know you have to be able to get it down, with a delicate choice of my words. So, here is to you and all you hope to do, all you desire to see, everything in your heart you can conceive to be. God placed every desire in your heart. It is up to you to harness it accordingly and use it to live out your dreams…and as you pave a wake in your destiny, you leave a trail of a beautiful and fragrant aroma that builds others up and takes their breath away in the most delightful way. You are capable of far more than you currently dare to dream. I know this is true…you are magnificent. The Lord bless you and keep you, making his face to shine upon you. The Lord lift up your countenance and bring you Peace, Joy, Love and Glorious Anticipation as you have never known before. This is only the beginning… YOU HAVEN’T SEEN ANYTHING YET! ~Nicole
As I leave you with this scripture, know this truth… A man can possess worldly wisdom, but lack God’s wisdom. A man can have God’s wisdom, but know worldly wisdom as well. Seek Godly counsel and wisdom, the prosperity will reach further and the fruit will be sweeter. However, Godly wisdom is harder to find.
“To everything there is a season, A time for every purpose under heaven: A time to be born, and a time to die; A time to plant, and a time to pluck what is planted. A time to kill, and a time to heal; A time to break down, and a time to build up; A time to weep, and a time to laugh; A time to mourn, and a time to dance; A time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones; A time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing; A time to gain, and a time to lose; A time to keep, and a time to throw away; A time to tear, and a time to sew; A time to keep silence, and a time to speak; A time to love, and a time to hate; A time of war, and a time of peace.” Ecclesiastes 3:1-8