Clean, Crisp, Sweet🥠
The Kingdom of God can be like a fortune cookie.
God has imbedded into the depths of each one of our being a soul. Within our soul dwells His Spirit. Well—that’s His favorite place to reside anyway.
His greatest interest isn’t your bank balance. It isn’t your job title, accomplishments or status.
No...His greatest interest is you.
See—He sees it all. The good and the not so good in each one of us. He doesn’t make a big fuss. He knows you are made of just the right combination of raw materials to truly make something incredible. He sort of loves to dig in deep and make a difference smack dab in the middle of your heart. His ultimate goal—to slip past your mind and down into your heart.
It’s always all about the heart.
There is a place for the mind. Use it in the appropriate time. There is a true gift in wisdom. Cling to her, she won’t steer you wrong. Ever.🙇🏼♀️
Physical strength—there is a time and a place for that, too. You need your health for all the marvelous adventures life has to offer you! Stamina and endurance need to be a part of you.😉
But the heart...that is where the true champions rise. It takes real courage to listen with the heart. Child like faith must replace common sense and logic at times.♥️
This is hard. No, not hard. All things are possible, right? You are more than a conqueror, absolutely. It may have challenges or difficulties. But there is this stoic and gritty place down deep inside that most people are afraid to explore. Maybe down deep we are afraid to find out what’s really inside our heart? Maybe we’ve been in denial about a few things? Maybe we’ve painted golden rings and splendid things around beliefs that are in all actuality no good. When we dig deep within our own heart chamber we become the maid and we must clean up some residual junk. We must release every care, disappointment or things that have caused our heart to lapse. We must have a fresh, pink, healthy heart.
Have you ever seen a heart or set of lungs from an autopsy of a smoker and the autopsy of the lungs and heart of a non smoker? Smokers lungs and heart has spots, holes and are grey. But the healthy heart and lungs are pink, red, healthy texture and spot free. The cares, worries and woes of life can be toxic to the heart, blemoshing it just like that of a smokers lungs, not literally, but spiritually. But the effects are quite literal.
God wants you spot free.
He wants to restore your heart to what it’s original form was designed to be.
Not jaded.
Not cynical.
Not suspicious.
Not bitter.
Not resentful.
Not afraid.
Not one of these things.
He can take it all and give your heart a fresh start. Renewing your hopes, dreams and expectations that He is a God of Happily Ever Afrer. Happily ever after doesn’t mean perfect or problem free. But what it does mean is that your perspective will change and so will the filters you use called perception that sometimes skew how God wants you to see. He wants to give you clarity. Heart. Mind. Soul. He has real strength for your journey.
So God can be like a fortune cookie. He is a crisp piece of sugar to sweeten the soul and speak prophetically His Destiny’s call. He will put his word, his will, his heart and soul right in the middle of you.
“If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing.”
1 Cor 13:2
Taste and see the Lord is Good.
having Him inside your heart feels really good, too.
“Follow the way of love and eagerly desire gifts of the Spirit, especially prophecy.”
1 Cor. 14:1
Sweet as molasses!