Devotion on Personal Growth: You Possess God's Glory
“And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.” 2 Corinthians 3:18
Change on big scales will always start with something small....yourself. Though you are created, built, wired to be BIG & GREAT, on the scale of eternity we are but small. Most feel too small for their choices to make a difference or lasting impact. But this is not true. It all starts with what you do on the inside of who you are. It starts in the mirror. I received a card yesterday with a quote from a book I love, "The Butterfly Effect" by Andy Andrews..."Not just to you, or your family, or your business or hometown. EVERYTHING you do matters to ALL OF US FOREVER." You daily habits, choices, thoughts, attitudes and actions have a ripple effect on others. "If we love until it hurts, then there will be no more hurt, only love." (Mother Teresa). Love others, but also, love yourself by accepting who you are and what God created you for. You don't have to be like anyone else, just you, wonderful you. Here is the challenge...loving yourself is not only accepting yourself, but it is daring to challenge yourself to change. Change in your home, change in your town, change in your community, country, and change in the world must first begin by looking in the mirror. You can do it, I know you can. For your face is unveiled and being transformed into the replication of His Amazing Glory, day by day. ~Nicole