Devotion on Provision
I write every day and often multiple times a day. I have scratches of ideas on pieces of paper all over the place (the house, my car, my receipts, a big dry erase board in my den). As as writer I am always writing, and sometimes I use a pen. A writer's mind never stops flowing, but I have not been a daily blogger. I write daily devotionals and words of encouragement that I post on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. You are welcome to find me there if you would like more encouragement than just what I post here. However, I have a sweet friend who blesses me beyond measure. She looks for my blogs but does not use any social media at all. So, as a way to specifically show her in a tiny way how much value she adds to my life, I am going to try and post my dailies here as well. I hope you enjoy...
"You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you."
Isaiah 26:3
The Lord has been leaning much on my heart lately about encouraging others in their faith for provision. Though you may be walking through financial storms or any storm, don't look at the storm, look to God. Life is like a race with many curves, hills, ravines, but you will not be stilled. You are like a race horse. The race horse has blinders on, keeping his focus on the race, not the obstacles around him.
Keep your eyes on Jesus not your storm. Did you know the very center of the fiercest storm is said to have perfect calm and peace...safety? Keeping your eyes on God will help you stay in perfect Peace.
Recap your victories. Remind God and yourself on all the times he has brought you through. Most of the time things look worse than they really are. God's got you and he promises to keep you secure and in perfect peace. Be blessed this day. ~Nicole
thank you so very much. This is EXACTLY what I needed. God has been an amazing provider and we are going through a challenging time now. For some reason I am having hits from all direction and finding it hard to focus. Prior to going through this. I heard him speak to my spirit.
“Love me more than your afflictions.” It sounded nice but until I am going through this time I now realize he was speaking to me in preparation. Oh, how I want to focus on my afflictions! Not that I love them, but it would sure seem that I give them more of my focus lately than Him.
Putting on the blinders and seeking his perfect peace above my afflictions.
Thank You!
To see God in Everything makes Life the greatest Adventure there is! Visit my blog– http://beautiful-createdforgodsdesign.blogspot.com/
I, like all the other times, am going to think this is for me:) I do believe I am the only one who does not use social media… Maybe there are others:) lol I want you to know that each time I am with you, you encourage me so much . I feel that God uses our friendship as if He is completing small portions of a puzzle. When we share it all fits together and I can see the picture coming into view:) thanks friend! I am now looking forward to the dailies! Woohoo!
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