He Is The God Of The Second Chance

"When Elisha came into the house, there was the child, lying dead on his bed. He went in therefore, shut the door behind the two of them, and prayed to the LORD. And he went up and lay on the child, and put his mouth on his mouth, his eyes on his eyes, and his hands on his hands; and he stretched himself out on the child, and the flesh of the child became warm. He returned and walked back and forth in the house, and again went up and stretched himself out on him; then the child sneezed seven times, and the child opened his eyes." 2 Kings 4:32-35 (NKJV)

I have a Daily Bible that I like to use when I read a devotion in the early morning hours along with my prayer, meditation and journal (of course my journal). I've used this Bible since my Mom gave it to me in the early '90's. The entire Bible is broken into daily readings from the Old Testament, New Testament, Psalms and Proverbs. I highly recommend a daily Bible for anyone who wants to read the Bible but had no idea what to read. The guess work is taken out of the equation and you don't have to think about it, just open it up to the date and read.

Earlier this week, Monday I think, I went to read in my Daily Bible, but found myself drawn to June 23rd's entry versus the actual daily reading. This happens sometimes, I read a different day because an old highlighted area catches my attention, or a note in the margin or just a leaning on my heart. I figure it is God's way of directing me to a certain passage He would like to speak to me through on that particular day. This is what happened earlier this week. The above passage was the first portion of the Old Testament reading for the day. I've read this passage before and have always noticed that it specifically mentions Elisha covered the boy with himself TWICE and the boy sneezes SEVEN times. If a passage of scripture gives a detail, it is there for a reason. On this day, it was like the symbolism of the passage jumped off of the pages at me! This passage is an Old Testament foreshadow of Christ and what he did for us and is still doing for us to this day!

Elisha was a prophet. He was God's messenger and was gifted to heal people, help people and give people messages from God. The boys mother had called upon Elisha to resurrect her son after he died. Elisha went to the boy and prostrated himself upon the child. He came face to face with one who was dead in his sin. It looked to the natural eye that all hope was gone and the child was "a lost cause". But how untrue as we find as we read on! Elisha lay upon the boy which symbolizes a holy covering. God is our holy covering, a source of protection from things that can cause harm. A warmth covers us as God covers us daily in His Love. We see evidence of this loving covering as the passage says the boys body became warm.

Next, Elisha gets up and paces around the house. The boy was warm but not revived completely. Have you ever known someone who is on a destructive path of life choices? They make some changes for the better, but they are not free and clear yet, as they are still learning and growing, stumbling along? It could go either way for a person in this place. They are one decision away, either way, from deeper darkness or a turn for the better. God watches all of this as though He were right there with the person. The Bible says that his eyes roam to and fro keeping watch over the earth (2 Chronicles 16:9 ). As Elisha roams to and fro in the house about the child.

Elisha doesn't quit! He perseveres with un-waivering Hope! He lay upon the boy one more time and this time the child is revived and made whole, sneezing seven times. Seven is the number of perfection and the Breath of Life, God, had breathed new life into the child, giving him a second chance! God does the same with each and every one of us. Though we may stumble, be it a thousand times, he never gives up on us. He never quits or turns away from us. His tender mercies are new each and every day (Matthew 5:7) He is always waiting for us with arms open wide, willing to give us a second chance.

My grandmother on my father's side never knew Jesus in a personal way. When she was dying my father tried again to share the love of God with her and to secure her eternity with him. Her reply to my Dad was that it was too late for her, God couldn't help her. In her mind she was a lost cause...she gave up on herself.

What is life like for someone with no hope or has lost hope? There is nothing you have done that can separate you from the love of God (Romans 8:38) There is a quote that goes,

"Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage." Lao Tzu

God's Love is Perfect, Pure and Unique all on its own. For God's Love radiates and permeates down deep to the soul giving both strength and courage to the recipient. God's love is always available, but it truly comes alive when we meditate upon it, believe Him for it, nurture it within our own hearts and share it with others to help them blossom and grow.

There is nothing you can do to be separated from a love so true. Don't give up. Don't lose hope. The King of all of heaven and earth has a place in his palace for you. His Kingdom with never end and he looks at you and calls you friend. Your past, present and future mistakes and shortcomings are already accounted for and forgotten. He loves you that much. He loves you so much.

May the Breath of Heaven fill you today to overflowing with His Love, Adoration, Compassion, Tenderness, Mercy, Hope and Liberty...in the Name of Jesus!
