Nutrition 101
Nutrition 101
"I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in me bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing. John 15:5
Over the years I get asked much about how I eat. There are so many diets, trends and fads where nutrition is concerned. I don't follow any "program" except what I feel God has lay upon my heart coupled with my education in nutrition, as I continually seek His guidance in this arena. I eat whole foods, lots of fish, dark green leafy vegetables and I treat fruit like a dessert (but I frequently put a little fruit in my salads).
I am a firm believer that our spirit and our physical health are connected. Over the years as my nutrition has become cleaner and cleaner I have experienced deep break throughs in my ability to commune with the Spirit of God. For some this will make sense and for others it will seem nonsense. This post is for those who want more with their Lord. Begin small, start going for fresh unprocessed whole foods as found in outer perimeter of the grocery. Begin avoiding more and more processed sugars and flours. Begin by staying away from white flour. Read labels. As you gain momentum with this you can begin to tighten it up more. I promise you, if it's deeper discernment of God's leadership in your life you seek, eating healthier will catapult you to a new threshold. The 3 keys to victory in Christian living, I believe, are Wisdom, Discernment and Knowledge. God is a generous benefactor for of all 3, but eating cleaner will help you gain the victory.
I needed this so bad…
🙂 Chrystene Sent from my iPhone