Parenting Pondering

"We do not know what to do, but our eyes are on you.”
2 Chronicles 20:12

Parenting Pondering...
If you're a parent who prays to God there is no doubt at one time or another or maybe all the time you are looking to heaven and praying the above anchor verse. I know I have. It's been in my heart to do some writing on parenting. I don't think you need to be "expert anything" to be s good parent. We all need Gods help through it so we can do it well. I don't know about you, but I am a shade or two concerned for the future leadership status on my nation. I want to see our country filled to the brim with fine young men and women who have the Lords Confidence in their heart which breeds courage and compassion and Holy living. Young adults who value their temple by honoring God with their lives. I will be posting as God leads. Our kids need lots of love, healthy communication, patience, understanding and attentive ears. They need our time, get down on the floor with little ones Mommas (even if it hurts your body a bit it is worth it). They need boundaries that are well defined. They need to know you care enough to protect them. The list goes on and on...

You can do this. Parenting is hard. It is not for the faint hearted. It requires courage and a no quit mindset. God knew you were the best candidate and catalyst for their victory. I challenge you to raise amazing humans! I believe in you! ~Nicole