Seeds of Strength & Beauty


The purple cone flower is such a unique flower. It has a beauty that rends well to any garden. It has color that creates vibrancy. It has a pleasing aroma but it is also edible. The purple cone flower is the source of the herb echinacea which is used to strengthen the immune system. This little herb packed in a pretty flower can help your body fight colds, allergies, and works like a natural antihistamine. It’s fantastic!

So you can see the flower...
You can smell the flower...
And you can ingest the flower.

God’s creation is marvelous with healing properties.

Just like the flower is the power of God. We can’t see it with our naked eye but we can see the fruit it yields when it touched and heals a life. We can smell the aroma of heaven as He lingers His Peace.

You are a Glorious Bloom in the garden of heaven. You have been hand picked and you contain the power of God’s Spirit in the depths of your soul. You exude beauty on the outside, coupled with a heavenly aroma that causes others to linger in your presence—they desire your company. Yet you also contain a stoic strength, just like the immune building properties of the cone flower—and you strengthen others as they swallow the seed you sow.

The Power of your Beauty is magnetic and captivating. There may be others similar to you in form or feature...they may do things of a similar occupation or life style as you—but there isn’t anyone like you. You are special. You are unique. You are hand picked by your Maker. Just like a single flower in a bouquet singled out for its own special vase.

Rise up today and let’s bring this world some flavor! Heaven looks good on you.


“for you have been born again not of seed which is perishable but imperishable, that is, through the living and enduring word of God.” 1 Peter 1:23