Stay Strong

To be physically strong, you must do physically strong things.
To be spiritually strong you must do spiritually strong things.

These are both two different things-
yet, they are connected and can be the same thing.

"Put on the full armor of God, so that you will be able to stand firm against the schemes of the devil." Eph. 6:11

Never lose your Hope.

Sometimes even when you are trying to do the right thing, wrong things happen. Tis true for everyone. Do not become discouraged in your efforts to do well.

Finish Strong.

The only people who fail are those who quit. So if you don't quit, you win. Win what? Well, that depends, but the prize is never about "beating someone" unless it's an athletic event. Winning is about personal growth, discipline, expanding personal potential.

Winners know how to manage their complaints. They understand that negativity will sabotage your own ability to persevere. So, instead of recapping past bad experiences in fear of their reoccurrence, recap your miracles and declare the reoccurrence of the good! God means for you to win! So don't quit!

"Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance." James 1:2-3

Finish Strong.

God knew how your life would look all along. He's got you!

When you are in the world-but not of it-you will feel the pressures all around. Ah, but God, He will give Grace to rise above it. Beautiful.

God causes my heart to marvel every single day.

YOU have the brave heart as that of a lion; the absolute ROAR of the Father ignites in your soul. Rise up Champion! For you, Gods got MORE! Do you believe it? How much is an abundance anyway?

Follow your heart, it has instinct. Take courage, dreams have lofty price tags. Follow your path, it is your own.

Nothing will be impossible for you...
So go ahead and ROAR!
