Sure and True
Usually around the first of the year motivation is high to make good, make change and better our lives. People make resolutions that usually fade by mid February.
Monday morning rolls around and maybe you’re a bit upset and regret some things you did, some things you said or maybe some things you ate over the weekend? The week is new and you’re determined to start fresh and new. By Wednesday, most have slipped back in lack in that area they were trying to attack.
“Why is it so hard?”, you may have asked yourself a time or two.
I don’t have the answer, it just is.
Life can be hard and the higher God intends for you to soar the more refiners fire and preparation you must endure. So keep your head up. Some days go better than others. Discouragement may be lurking at your door. It doesn’t matter how many times you’ve messed up or fallen off the good intentions truck, He who began a good work in you is Faithful to finish it. Do you hear that? He is faithful. He hasn’t forgotten about you. He can’t forget about you. You are the apple of His eye and hold the keys to His heart. This may be a little hard to believe, especially if calamity is happening to you and He appears to be unaware or care, but it is in fact true. He loves you.
This day…
Rest in the Lord's confidence, Truth and will.
He will equip you to remain at peace in heart, mind and soul.
He will anchor himself to you heart, mind and soul and you will feel the overflow of His love. And guess where you’ll feel it? That’s right! You’ll feel it in your heart, your mind and your soul.
There is no doubt His heart, mind and soul was designed for you hand in glove. He intends to stick with you like glue. He wants to deposit His Love more deeply down inside you.
So don’t give up. What you are purposed to begin, He will equip you to finish...and God bless you to finish well.
Sure and True God has already decided His heart upon you—He won’t be changing His mind. He plans to keep His Word and remain Faithful by your side.
“if we are faithless, he remains faithful—
for he cannot deny himself.”
2 Tim. 2:13
Lord, stir us in heart, mind and soul. Create and movement in us-a devotion more deeply committed toward you. We can’t do life without you. Give us tenacious resolve. May our lives resound with accolades for you.
We need you.
“Flowers appear on the earth; the season of singing has come, the cooing of doves is heard in our land.” Song of Songs 2:12