The Fire That Does Not Sleep
ANYTHING becomes possible when you realize He's a God of infinite possibility and He has woven endless supply of possibility within each of us. His soul burns with fire and He desires to take you higher than ever before.
He is an uncommon God who looks at you as an individual and sees you are anything but common. You're built for the Extraordinary. You may not think you make a difference. You may feel you blow it. You may feel you just aren't getting the break through. But God's timing in everything is what matters for you. He never sleeps...HIS FIRE NEVER SLEEPS! He is looking out for you, working out your situations 24 hours a day seven days a week. So keep going! You're on a path specifically designed for you!
Never lose your fire! ~Nicole
"And there appeared to them tongues as of fire distributing themselves, and they rested on each one of them." Acts 2:3-4