Try, Try & Try Again!
Perseverance is a necessary precursor to anything great...
Here is a historical example of people to be grateful for their ability to dream big and persevere...Orville and Wilbur Wright, the creators of the first airplane.
When these two brothers were boys their father gave them a toy helicopter made of cork, paper and a rubber band. This was their source of inspiration to become the first men to fly for the first time a free, controlled flight by a power-driven airplane. Did you know that Wilbur didn’t even receive his high school diploma? I challenge you to research all the trials they had in their efforts to develop this plane. It wasn’t easy. They had all kinds of things go wrong. Then, when they did fly, no one believed them and many didn’t even appreciate their achievement. Instead of becoming discouraged and giving up, they persisted without exception and took their invention to Europe in hopes of further success and they found it. Once returning to the US they were wealthy and famous and began filling contracts for airplanes in both the United States and Europe.
Don't quit. Never fail to believe that God can and is willing to do anything to show up and show off for you. Believe it! Behind every storm the Son is still shining. ⛅️~Nicole
"For nothing will be impossible with God." Luke 1:37