Unfailing Love


“But I trust in your unfailing love;
my heart rejoices in your salvation.
6 I will sing the Lord’s praise,
for he has been good to me.”

Psalm 13:5-6

There is a passage of scripture that says, “Some trust in chariots and some in horses,
but we trust in the name of the Lord our God.” (psalm 20:7)

If I scripted this out in modern terms it simply implies God is our portion. God is my everything. I will not put my confidence and security into anything, but Him.

God is a Jealous Lover of Soul. We won’t personally know how much we love and trust him and live these passages until we are in a position where they are required.

Do we love God more than anything? Would we give up all for Him? God knows the very regions of our soul that are toughest to let go.

I have had ample experience with letting go in my life. Sometimes I wanted to and sometimes I didn’t. But every time, through the fire, God pulled me deeper into His Arms and beckoned my soul to sing for him a love song. He’d stroke my heart like David’s harp and He’d lean into my pen and saturate my mouth...I could almost physically hear Him breathe the words into me...WORSHIP. Speak your love song to me.

When God takes you into deeper levels of intimacy and worship it can be overwhelming. It can feel awkward because this is the Almighty we are talking to! The world and religion demonstrate a stiffer more regimented form of worship and praise—and there’s nothing wrong with that.

But the more relaxed you become with Him, comfortable that is, the more you feel a freedom to cut lose and move for him. You can dance, play instrument, write, sing and serve.

I recall specific seasons of my journey, but the theme always the same...I didn’t know what tomorrow or even the remainder of the day held, but I could feel the One who held me Jealously. So much security in His Love and Embrace.

In general I’ve never truly been one who becomes jealous of others. On many levels, I don’t understand it at all. The only thing that has helped me to empathize with these emotions is how my God is with me. Though jealousy can be a bad thing, it can also be good. God has taught me that.

God is relentlessly jealous for your love.

I think women in general like to feel safe. Security is a big thing for us. Even those of us who embrace God’s call and design to take calculated risks—we ultimately crave security and the knowledge that we are worth protecting.
So many things can make a person feel “unsafe”, even things like dropping our guard and letting God in. Yes, we struggle to relax even for Him, the One who loved All condition free and hung on a Tree for Humanity.

So as I felt God’s Design on my heart, my mouth, my pen—I let it sink in and I began to try to love him with the words and affection I guess I thought He’d like to hear.

When you know someone’s heart, what they like, what touches them, you are equipped to appeal to it for their sake. God is much the same way. The more you get to know Him, His Heart, His Love, His Character—you can love Him. I’m an encourager and a writer and have a gift for creativity. I feel things passionately and deeply. How I express myself to my King may look differently than what feels right for you. But His heart Loves Masterfully and as you attempt to place the keys in His heart, even when you fumble around a bit like putting the keys in the door in the dark—you’ll get it. You’ll figure it out and when the door opens wide nothing short of breath taking is found inside.

King Jesus. Lover of Soul. His love is the only true contentment I’ve ever known. No matter how much you give, you pour out, He always outmatches. No one loves harder than Him.

Be Loved.
Be held.
May the Lord make you whole and love you strong all day long.
You are worth pursuing.
