Visible Love


img_8141I think everyone has relationship goals of one sort or another. One of my goals for as long as I can remember is this...
I want to love my each of my children as though they were my favorite. I want each child to feel so loved they don't question my love for them in comparison to a sibling. This, for any parent, is such a delicate, patient and time focused goal. There will always be times when one child gets more of time, energy/attention or money, but the key is to keep it balanced.

Did you know that God loves you like that? It's true. He totally and completely sees you. You are not invisible to him.

I spent all of my young life and even into adulthood feeling invisible. Not because of my parents or anything like that-but with peers and the world at large. I was enormously bashful and quiet. These qualities makes it easy to feel invisible. On top of this I am a bit soft spoken. Even when I try to be loud I can't be. I actually have a hard time with large crowds and lots of loud noises. My natural bent is to recluse myself in those settings, even more so as a kid.

It wasn't until I noticed God noticing me that my shell began to chip off and I began to blossom and bloom under the Radiant loom of His love, attention and care. I never needed to be a favorite at anything. I was too shy for any kind of attention like that. I just didn't like feeling I had no voice, no place. His love gave me a voice and it turns out, my passions and calling in life requires the use of that voice. You can't encourage without using your voice!

God loves you. He sees you. He hears you in the quiet of your soul.
There's something He wants you to know...

I have no doubt. You are God's favorite, too. He's just a cool Papa like that--I like that--His love is enough for all of us. ~Nicole

The LORD does not look at the things man looks at. People look at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart”

1 Sam. 16:7