A Heart Locked In. . .
A writer is always writing, and sometimes—we use a pen.
I’ve been a writer my whole life. I just didn’t always know it. I am an observer of souls. My heart the cradle that holds it all in.
I’ve held it all in my entire life. Literally. I am very friendly, but at the same time enormously shy. I am one who always holds back, especially when my emotions are high. I am a chronic and habitual hold back sort of person. It is easy and it is awful all at the same time. I hide within myself. People, my whole life, tell me I am extremely hard to read. Unfortunate,
at best—I don’t do it on purpose.
I am a lover of souls and I am full of things that adore. And when I find something that causes my adoration to explode, my heart goes on overload. I compensate, by holding it in. I’m not saying it’s healthy. I’m not saying it’s good. But for most of my life—this is how it has been.
I am trying. I am learning. And my Sovereign is churning. . . He doesn’t want me to hold it in. A new season for me begins. After much anguish and pain, intense season of refinement and pain, God says, “Don’t refrain”. He has something better for me. He is providing a key. Then I can have and hold something adored that give me freedom to bring all that is within me to bring.
I know I can bring a lot.
I have a lot inside me, I know.
My God is the pure gold that has molded my soul and taught me that it is ok to love deeply, feel deeply, soak it in and share something completely of Him.
When God makes a promise, a heart wraps around it and wants for nothing else.
Have you ever felt like you’ve blown it?
Have you ever felt so deep, so quick, so strong, you knew it was God, but what you feel struggles to find place to belong?
My heart is kindred spirit to Heaven. Becauses Heaven is the heart that taught me how to understand the great depths in which I feel.
There are all kinds of intellect... Seven in all. I have a ridiculously high emotional quotient. It is what enables me to feel people, connect with people, and love them in a way that they feel better about themselves.
It’s an extraordinary thing to have deep and passionate feeling, but to not be governed by them. Feelings have merit. All great passions of life are birthed and flourish in them. But to have depth of heart and stoicism of belief...
Well. . . This is the evidence of abundant things.
So imagine how extraordinary—when you meet others who seem to hold the same belief?
The Word of GOD says,
“Deep cries out to deep”.
When there is a kindred spirit it connects and locks immediately.
Beloved—lock your heart with God’s. His is the only yolk that won’t harm. His is the only key that won’t bend. Rather, it wren's and gives abundant life and love.
Something extraordinary for you is on the way. Don’t hold back—take your ease, relax, stay. You need no courage for it is already provided. God is in it. It is almost unbelievable to me that you need courage. Just look at who you are! Amazing in every manner.
Hold back no more.
Just as I try to not be shy and hold back no longer. The spirit of God makes us all stronger. Everything in your heart is worth a try. Fly high. You’ve been given eagles wings so it would be a shame not to try. I’d like for you to try.
Be encouraged today and stay away no more. Your absence causes heavens heart to feign.
Heaven is your steed and you’ve been given auxiliary fortune to accomplish all the you hold inside of you. How amazing and Beautiful, indeed. Indeed, extraordinary.