And they had great exploits together...
Have you ever been on a really good team? Not just a good team, but a REALLY good team. A decent team might have one or two really good players that carry the rest. But a good team is amply loaded and blessed with players that each shine bright in their own right.
My son plays waterpolo and he was on that kind of team this season. There is one boy on the team who has both parents—former Olympians in Aquatics. He picked the right parents. Though no one could outscore this boy, every other team knew it. So as we got deeper and deeper into regional and state playoffs the oppositions goal was to stop this kid. And they did. But guess what else happened? The team united and took a stand in the gap. They picked up the slack and they absolutely shamed the competition. United. Unified. Working together. In pursuit of something better.
God is building an All Star team. Each with their own set of skills and talents that advance the team. Each team member accentuates, encourages and uses their skills to maneuver the other players into a better position for the team to score. Great teams have strategy for victory and they understand each has their own role.
King Solomon was a man after God’s own heart. He had a skill set of wisdom that was unmatched by anyone far or wide. People would come from distant lands—other great leaders in the Far East, just to hear him speak and share something deep. On one occasion there was a dispute over a baby of all things. One woman said it was hers, while the real mother explained what had happened. Solomon had to discern...who was telling the truth? So he declared they could cut the baby in half and each woman get half. One woman said, “Good idea, probably with a sneer on her face.” While the real Mother jumped to her feet declaring, “No! She can have the baby.”
The people around gasped to see how masterfully Solomon handles the situation. Solomon knew something no one else—except the real Mother—knew...
The real Mother will always let the baby live.
Through it all Solomon learned the true content of each woman’s heart. Sometimes God introduces slippery situations and fiery slopes to expose the true content of our heart.
What resides within your heart?
God is building an All Star team and He’s been scoping you out, checking out your stats and prodding and testing to make sure your character can stand the test of success. For success is where the true test resides.
God sees absolute Beauty in you. Gorgeous in form and feature, He means to bless you and showcase the gifts He has placed inside of you. He is making you—
“Flame Proof”.
Most things in my life have to come to me by way of extreme fire. You know what happened as a result? I don't mind heat. I can tell you story after story about how God has acclimated my ability to adapt to any climate. This is good because with the gift of Faith, mountains don't stand a chance in your way.
Know this, Beloved--
However your life deviates or the path changes you can know the outcome is still the same...
God's got your back and He is in it to see your personal win, because He is a very personal, personable and on time God!
So take it from me, as I've witness radical and ridiculous miracle after miracle in my tiny life--story after story of God’s ridiculous ability for creative miracles bloomed right in front of my eyes!
God alone holds the keys to everything.
He means to give you the ride of your life! And as you travel down Faith Way you'll discover God give your children also some keys to radical and stoic faith belief in possibilities. He is an Amazing God and He does these things to advance his kingdom, but also to prove to you how crazy his love is for you. So consider the heat Pure Sonshine that will on cause your petals to lift, stem to grow strong and your life to rise higher so God can use your captivating beauty to help those around you. You’re on the BEST team! ~Nicole
"When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze."
Isaiah 43:2