Lamp Post of Hope
God always equips us for how He calls us--
In the process of the equipping we endure a season constructed by heaven to retreat into the Savior’s Arms. Often times it requires a Night or a dark season of soul to relinquish our will for His.
Think back in your life to a time when it felt dark as night. You had a trouble or problem that was so much bigger than you and you didn’t know what to do. Maybe there wasn’t much you could do—just endure and perhaps you even prayed. Does something come immediately to your mind?
The greater your call the greater the trials and tests of preparation- so you may have some severe Night seasons or maybe they are present in your mind or life to the nth degree right now?
In these times you must be still and wait. You must rest. You must demonstrate the same demeanor as Mary. Mary is a woman spoken of in the New Testament of the Bible. She had a sister named Martha and Jesus came to pay them a visit. (Luke 10)
Martha toiled to make everything just right. Just how’d she like it to be for Him. Sounds like a good idea, right?
Mary, on the other hand, just sat at his feet—admiring, listening, drinking in His Presence. As far as the “work” goes, she didn’t do a thing.
There is Martha...
There is Mary...
Be Mary.
When we devote time to rush our heart into His, lingering about His Lap, we experience the Divine of Heaven. Here are a few things that happen when we do just that:
🔺He brings revelation and Light, Guidance and Direction to the dark days.
🔺He expels the Night and shines ever Bright. And when He illuminates Himself within you, He illuminates everything around you as well. Exactly like a Lamp Post of Hope. Then you become Breath taking and able to not only cast vision in your own soul, but countless souls who should Journey the Path you lead.
🔺You become well trained to see in the dark.
🔺You learn to become more dependent on your spiritual eyes than your natural. And if you are highly trained and yielded you will gain greater sight with the eyes of your spirit than the eyes of your flesh.
🔺Discernment will become one of your greatest assets.
God always equips us for how He calls us--
You are equipped.
You are called.
You are Chosen.
You have been selected.
You are an impenetrable fortress of Splendor.
You are Shielded...
And you are Strong.
There is a specific place you belong and those called along side of you are glad you came. Your company welcomed. Your company appreciated. Your face...it is admired and could never be replaced.
God bless you this day. You occupy Golden Space. Be electrified with His Power and Grace.
The best of you is still at rest in you. God’s best for you is still to come for you. Do you believe it?
Then practice the art of being still and drinking from wells of Living Water. He will whisper Goodness down deep in your soul. I guarantee it will leave you thirsty for more.
“Arise, shine, for your light has come,
and the glory of the Lord rises upon you.”
Isaiah 60:1