Unique Impressions
When you know—
Ya know!
When you know who you are, it won’t be hard.
Because who you are is what flows naturally.
You have a special imprint on this planet. Only you can determine the threshold of your impact.
That very threshold is shaped by your patterns and habits.
Do you remember as a child making a thumbprint in cement, paint or maybe some ink? The measure of the imprint depended on how hard you pressed down. But to make an impact on this planet you don’t press down,
you press in and out!
No one else around like you—
not anywhere.
There may be others who look similar, like similar things or even have similar attributes of manner and behavior. But there are no two alike. You are one of a kind and with that being said, God gave you a one of a kind purpose just like your one of a kind thumbprint.
Read this passage from an Ancient Book about The Sovereign of the Universe. It describes something lovely about you.
“For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother's womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well. My frame was not hidden from you, when I was being made in secret, intricately woven in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my unformed substance; in your book were written, every one of them, the days that were formed for me, when as yet there was none of them.” Psalm 139:13–16
How special you must be to have been made so uniquely.
Embrace it.
When you are comfortable with yourself--
This includes all of you—idiosyncrasies, strengths, imperfections, as well as your greatest abilities.
Embrace it all and nothing can really be used against you—because you love you (in a healthy way not a haughty way).
So go ahead, make friends with yourself!
🦋Self-Care for the healthiest kind of “I Don’t Care Flair”:
🦋Do you say deleterious words over yourself? It’s time to stop.
🦋Are you complimenting yourself or speaking negativity and criticism over yourself?
Speak love and politeness over your own soul.
🦋Are you focusing on your strength while working on weaknesses or are you just focusing on your weaknesses and not even seeing any strengths? You know which one to choose!
🦋Make the effort today to speak words of encouragement, refreshment and positive expectations over your day, your life, your future! If Heaven has a lot of good vibes for you, you definitely should to!
There just may be a butterfly peeking out of that cocoon yet!
Here’s to every vibrant color that magnifies the beautiful hue called You.