Strength & Joy
“Be humble but EXCITED! God is arranging things in your favor. Diligently working behind the scenes. Be excited for all the good coming your way. “Feel” it.....” Gina Gonzalez
A woman who has become dear and close to my heart (who I met through my direct sales business) wrote the above quoted and I couldn’t think it more lovely.
Be humble.
Be courageous.
Be extravagant with Hope. Inspire and Aspire.
You are going higher!
We are all on a journey together, but our paths vary. The view is different, the Splendor varies, the destination by design unique to each individual because you and I...we all are unique in design and purpose. Every life has merit and worth and deserves dignity and a form of honor. All of life is honorable.
Replenish your heart with hope. Stay in the Presence of the Most Honored Holy Ghost. Feel His tingle in your bones, that's the Anointing. His Presence has an actual Presence. Not everyone can feel Him, but He is there. Call upon His Good Name.
I write and post somewhere on social media everyday something that has inspired my pen or been leaned upon my heart. I don't know who or how many read my words or even care to read them, but I write them just the same because I know it's part of my path.
You never know who you are helping. I receive messages, texts and phone calls from near strangers telling me details of how something I wrote equipped them to keep going. I absolutely love that part. You don't have to know those kinds of details to follow the lead of the Lord. And when you are doing what you know God wants you to do, has wired you to do, you will have immeasurable Joy in doing it.
If there is no Joy, maybe it's not your true path? Maybe you've hitched a ride on someone else's? It may look glamorous or better, but it won't feel better because it's not yours.
As a personal trainer and nutrition consultant I have to know my scope of practice and I dare not venture out of its borders or I become liable. The same is true for your purpose and identity. Don't step out of your scope, there is heavenly protection within its borders. Own the road, but be sure you know the road you are on is yours. Success isn't success if it doesn't stir your soul, positively equip others, empower belief and stoic understanding in your destiny. When you’re walking in your own identity you will feel whole. Purpose. Merit. Power.
Be complete...And know that every ounce of your completeness is in knowing the Lord and what He put you here for.
It's never about being known...but rather it's about knowing the one who owns you.
You belong to the Lord. I pray today He firmly stoke your Strength and your Joy.
Everything becomes possible for those who love.
“My soul melts from heaviness; strengthen me according to your word." Psalm 119:28
"When I am with You and You are with me,
Life will be self-forgetting Power;
Life ever conscious, buoyant, clear, and free
Will flame in darkest hour."
George MacDonald