Candidate For Victory
Each day of your life is like a page in the story of your life. What will be written today?
I love to write. It is in me to do so since childhood. As I reflect back over my life I see how he directed me to my pen over and over again.
I love a good pen.
I adore the touch and feel, the luster of quality paper.
I have countless volumes of journals. I type on the keyboard, but it just isn't the same. There's something magnificent to me about the creative flow of writing and my pen in my hand. It's like prophetic art-it flows as God shows.
God has hand picked and ear marked you for Glory. He is writing for you and ever amazing story. Don't give up! Let Him lavish your heart in Hope. GOD sees you as fully QUALIFIED for how ever he has designed and taken the time to transcribe the pages of your destiny as they unfold like pages into the life he wants you to lead. You are His Candidate for Victory. So press in, press on and carry on...
You've got this! ~Nicole
"That is why I run straight for the finish line; that is why I am like a boxer who does not waste his punches."
1 Cor. 9:26