Holy Cross
The high road is this way...
In my young married life--a season of the growth of my soul-- I remember struggling with something and God helping me to learn to handle it. I remember having a dream of me carrying a cross just like Jesus did. Only I saw something in this dream that looked like a large hand reach down from the sky and gently pinch the large cross on my back as though it were only a stick and began to gently lift so the weight in my back gave some slack.
This is the beauty of God. We sometimes go through trials that aren't necessarily because of poor choices. Sometimes things just happen. In those times remember that it is no shock to God. He will carry you through it. You may feel like you have to carry the burden, and endure some pain, but to God it's only a stick and He carries it too. The cool thing about God is He can out lift you...He will always carry the heaviest end of your burden.
He has got you. No worries...Nicole
"Your ears will hear a word behind you, 'This is the way, walk in it,'..."
Isaiah 30:21
Beautiful reminder of His love for us. I am so thankful!
🙂 Chrystene Sent from my iPhone